Boat and More Rings

Start from the beginning

Kai went back to his room with the others to see everyone already getting comfy, well, as comfy as they can. 
Zane was laying down reading a book. Jay was impatiently waiting for Kai to come back. Lloyd was crying. Cole was looking at the sink. Everything was just as it should be. 
"FINALLY your back !" Jay groaned. "Cole and Zane said once you come back we can all explore the ship. I wanna see them sexy funnels!" 
Cole turned away from the sink "You're fucking vile Jay. How did you get married" 
Jay shrugged
"Well I guess we have nothing better to do, unless sitting in a room cramped together listening to Lloyd cry is a better idea." Kai said.
They all got up and prepared to leave the room to check out the decks and funnels and all that jazz.

They walked up through the ship and found a large dining room, it was beautiful and so fancy. 
"Now this is good" Jay said.
Jay ran in there and looked around. Suddenly a crew member kicked him to the floor "You filthy third class peasant you're not allowed to be here" 
"Oh sorry man" Jay patted himself down swiping off the dust.
Jay ran off to the rest of the ninja pretending that had never happened.


Meanwhile.. In the stinky room.

Morro, Ney, Dareth, Ronin all were sharing a room. 
"That filthy motherfucking sensei putting me, the green ninja, in this tiny little box with you dumb hoes" Morro growls like a fucking dog.
"Crybaby" Ronin says as he rests on his bed.
"This may be a bad looking room but I look good in it" Ney said
"You look great" Dareth said.
"Okay freak" Ney turned up her nose to him. 


Back 2 the ninjas

The 5 ninjas all walked around the ships bow. 
"Haha how cool would it be if Jay jumped over the railing and into the cold ocean right now?" Cole said.
"Pretty fucking cool" Kai says.
"Watch your mouth or he might just do it, he wants validation" Zane frowns. 
"Wow okay" Kai says. 
Jay was already hanging his head over the ship "I'm gonna do it! Then I'll finally be cool!" 
Zane rushed to grab him before he could throw himself over. 
"See what I mean" Zane sighed.
"Yeah.. Weird" Cole says
Little kids all ran around them, everyone was happy on the ship. Except the ninja who were forced to stay in the coldest, smallest and dirtiest room ever. 
One of the kids ran up to Jay
"Why were you gonna jump off the ship?" They asked
"Because I have deep deep insecurities and I just want to feel like I'm apprecciated by my friends and family and even if it means throwing my limp body into the atlantic ocean to freeze, i'll still take that chance. Validation rocks" Jay says
The child ran off crying.
"Good fucking job" Cole said
"Thanks " Jay smiled, was this validation?
They all walked up to the front of the ships bow.
Jay smiled and looked out at the ocean. Kai was looking in a mirror. Cole was talking to Lloyd and Zane was next to Jay.
"Lol watch this, zane" Jay grinned.
Jay snuck up behind Kai and snatched off his glasses and threw them overboard into the ocean.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kai shouted and looked over the ships bow to try and see if his glasses were there. They were not. 
"You are such a fucking trouble maker Jay why the hell would you do that I looked so fresh" Kai cried.
"Sorry" Jay said "You can have mine" Jay passes him a pair.


7 pm

The ship was already far from port. It was now time for dinner. Wu actually invited them to join him in first class to have an actual nice meal. As long as they wore suitable clothes. 
Luckily Cole never goes anywhere without a suit. Everyone managed to throw some decent looking outfit together and headed off to meet Wu.
"Can you believe we are gonna get to eat some sweet first class cuisine?!" Cole said, he loved food. He was excited.
"I bet the tables look great" Kai says
"Maybe Wu will finally let me have a sip of some alcohol or something!!" Lloyd said excitedly. 
Eventually they all met up with Wu. Wu was in some dumb fancy suit, Misako in some dumb dress. "Oh I forgot to tell you guys. We will be sat at the captains table" Wu said.
"Oh fuck yeah!" Cole said, he was even more excited now.
Nya showed up too in a cool outfit, better than Misakos.

They all walked up to the dining area.

They found the captains table and all sat down. 
"Wow this place is lovely" Cole says admiring the class and luxury.
Everything was going great, the captain was happy and everyone had gotten food and were eating. Cole was actually on his third plate. 

Suddenly a door crashes open. Morro was at the entrance to the room, vodka in hand and in bootie shorts. "why the FUCK wasn't I invited to this dope ass party?!" Morro shouted.  
All the rich people looked at him disgusted, he was filth. 
"What are you all looking at you dirty ass filthy bitchin' millionare asses!? I'm the motherfucking green ninja and i'm gonna take all your chicken tender-" He fainted. Too much vodka.
"Throw his body overboard" The captain said. "Sike, just throw him into the laundry room and hope for the best"
"Anyways, as you were saying Wu?" The captain says
"Oh yeah - *bla bla bla bla*"
"Will Wu ever shut up about himself?" Kai whispered to Lloyd.
"Probably not" Lloyd replied.
Cole was on his 5th plate of food by now. 
"Your.. friend there really loves the food." The captain said pointing to Cole.
Cole looked up at him "Yeah homie so what" and carried on eating. 
Jay gulped "I have something to say guys. " 
"Speak away, freak" Cole said.
"I might be pregnant" 
Everyone stopped what they were doing.
Zane froze literally he couldn't believe how stupid Jay was being right now, was he nervous??? seeking validation???
"Oh wait nevermind I realised I was a male but I think I might have a vore fetish"
The captain smiled "Me too Jay"
"Holy crap I was kidding!" Jay said shocked "You just outed yourself as a vorist!" Jay didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 
The rest of the night was awkward. 
Cole ate about 14 plates of food that night. 

They all walked to their room, Cole was getting help with walking from Lloyd and Kai because he ate so much he now felt sick.
"Whydid you eat so much Cole?!" Kai said
"It's first class cuisine Kai, I'll never of had that chance again." Cole coughed. 
They all got into the room and into sleepwear. 
Kai slept in the top bunk of the right side. Lloyd slept in the top bunk of the left. Cole slept bottom left and Jay and Zane slept bottom right. 
"Haha Coles a bottom" Jay said
"Yeah" Cole said with his body already turned away from him, trying to sleep. 

Jay got out of his bed and looked out the porthole "Nice ocean" 
"Shut the fuck UP JAY!!" Kai said throwing a rock at his head.
"Sorry guys" Jay went back into his bed. It was rather cramped and Zane and Jay were tangled up together just so they could have space. Jay didn't mind at all, that dirty freak. He loved every second being pressed up as close as possible to Zanes cold metal body. 
"Pssst Cole are you awake" Jay whispered.
"Shut. Up" Cole groaned half asleep. 
"Oh ok" Jay shrugged and went  back to sleep pressing himself even closer to Zane. Slut. 

It was 2 am, everyone was asleep. Zane was moving in his sleep, his arms and legs twitching. Suddenly he shoved Jay off the bed in his slumber. "HOLY CRAP!" Jay screams. 
Everyone jolts up in fear. Lloyd turns on the lights "What the hell?!" 
Out of nowhere Cole starts to cry and suddenly throws up. 
"What the fuck is going on." Kai said. Kai looked around the room, Lloyd panicked, Zane sleeping, Jay on the floor covered in vomit and Cole crying. Kai went back to sleep. 
Morro banged on the wall "Shut up you hoes I'm trying to get my beauty sleep" 
"Oh shut the fuck up you mangy street rat" Lloyd shouted. 
Morro never replied. 
Eventually everything was normal again, Cole was no longer feeling sick, he was asleep. Jay was clean, he was asleep too. Lloyd was sleep as well. Kai slept through most of this chaos. Lucky him. Zane however slept through everything, despite him being the cause of it. 

Thanks everyone this is chapter 2 of my  "I got a ring up my booty hole" story. 
"This is just titanic!!!!!!!" No its not titanic didnt have ninja on it bye

chapter 3 coming soon

i got a ring up my booty hole|JAY X ZANE|marriage is hard|smut!|NINJAGOWhere stories live. Discover now