"Reina," Harry growled. "If you did not go out of your way to help those peasant children none of this would have happened-"

"I helped them because I care for the poor, Harry. I help those in need of it because that is what my father has taught me to do ever since I was a little girl," Reina snapped loudly, earning the attention of everyone around them in the castle, including the King who had just arrived with Fredric and the guards.

   "That is not the way of the royals here, Reina. The poor here are thieving, scumbags who are not grateful for what they already have," Harry responded sharply. "The people of Siremeth are very different to the ones of Vardomos."

   "I apologize for getting that incorrect then," Reina sighed heavily. "I was only trying to help. I have a feeling the same thing would happen even if I left the castle with your permission, by your side with guards."

"That is bedsides the point, Reina. You disobeyed me. I was trying to keep you safe," Harry seethed quietly. "And stop shouting at me for fuck's sake," Harry said through gritted teeth, cheeks aflame as his father watched this argument unfold along with the rest of the curious eyes that watched them.

"I would advise you to listen to my son, Princess," the King spoke up from behind them, making Reina's cold gaze snap towards him.

"With all due respect, your grace, this argument is between my husband and I, and is none of your concern, thank you very much," she spoke sharply, her words irritating the King and making Harry grimace because he felt more and more humiliated every time his wife spoke back to the King.

"It is of my concern because if my son fails to control you now only the gods above know how terrible of a Queen you will be when your time comes to rule this realm alongside my son," the King snapped back in response, making Reina's lips part.

"Since you clearly struggle to be a good princess and an obedient wife to my son, you will be spending time every day with the Queen, learning everything you will need to know about being a good, faithful, woman. You will learn to keep the lid on your nasty temper, and tame your sharp tongue."

"You mean-" Reina began to say angrily before Harry snapped at her harshly, jaw clenching and vein pulsing in his neck.

"Quiet, Reina," he seethed, making Reina's jaw slacken at his harsh tone.

"You will start tomorrow morning. Hopefully this will help tame your wife, son," the King said to Harry, making Reina's blood boil. "Take these lessons seriously, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your grace," Reina forced herself to say because she could practically feel Harry's gaze burning into her flesh, warning her not to talk back.

Reina couldn't say anymore as the King dismissed them and Harry had quickly come up behind her and wrapped his fingers tightly around her wrist. She struggled against him as he dragged her away to a quiet hallway for now. She pushed him away when he let her go, glaring at him furiously just as he stared back at her with eyes filled with rage.

"I-" she began to say before he cut her off with a few menacing words with a finger pointing at her angrily.

"Do not speak a word right now. Fredric will take you to our bedchamber and you are to stay there until I allow you to come out."

Heavy Crown ♚ H.S [ON HOLD]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin