Chapter 2 - The First Step

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Chapter Two -  The First Step

Well that went well, Khalid thought dryly.

He let out a sigh, and settled back into his seat, waiting for his mother to get off the phone. His hands clutched the steering wheel as he maneuvered his way home, listening to his mother's chatter. He wanted to know so badly what she thought of Sabrina. Her decision was important. Finally after saying goodbye to her friend, she ended her call and Khalid pounced.

"So?" He asked, "what did you think? I told you she was a good Muslim." 

"Yes," His mother said and paused. "She seemed like a very bright young girl. She had a very knowing gaze...what did you say to her after she left?" 

"What do you mean?" Khalid spluttered, his heart starting to race.

"Oh come now, habibi." His mother chuckled. "I'm your mother, I know when you lie. You didn't go to look for the bathroom after Sabrina left." 

Khalid sighed, looking over to face her. "You're not mad at me?"

"No." She replied, with a laugh. "You've been chasing girls since you were a toddler. And while I can't say I approve of it, I would rather have you chasing after a girl like Sabrina, than the girls you have recently been after."

"I just told her to consider my offer. I told you that she would hesitate. So I had to make sure she understood that I'm completely serious when I say I can change for her." Khalid responded.

"You can't really blame her for hesitating, though." His mother, said softly. 

Khalid had enlightened his mother to his and Sabrina's past right before they had come over to her house. His mother had been quite shocked to find that her son was capable of such malice but he had assured her that it was mostly misplaced, that he had only really targeted her because he thought she had ratted him out in Elementary. While that was not entirely true, it was the only way of making his mother not lose all hope in her son. She knew of their racial war, of course, but Khalid had downplayed it and had shamefully cut out any racism he had inflicted on Sabrina over the years. His mother only knew half the story. 

"You really like her, then?" His mother asked, surprising him out of his thoughts.

She watched his face and he met her blue eyes - the same playful eyes that he had inherited - and gave her a small, genuine smile.


* * *

"Khalid!" His friend, Jamaal, yelled in greeting. "Assalamu'alaikum, bro! Long time no see!" 

"Walaikum'asslaam." Khalid replied, eyeing his old friend. "And yeah, its been too long."

Khalid, desperate to get out of the house, before his father arrived, decided to head over to a cafe and meet up with a friend. Preferably an old one, since all his current friends were gang members and drug dealers - personalities that he had decided to avoid at all costs. So, with a good character in mind, he had called up Jamaal, a Pakistani boy who he hadn't thought of for years. Jamaal had happily obliged and now stood in front of Khalid wearing a cream colored thobe and a full-fledged beard.

"Looking good, my friend!" Jamaal chuckled, stepping up and embracing Khalid in a traditional half hug that all religious people seemed to enjoy inflicting upon their victims.

Khalid grinned. "Speak for yourself. Nice beard."

"Ah, you think so?" Jamaal asked, running a hand through his beard and posing. His caramel colored eyes twinkled. "The ladies certainly love it."

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