Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

It's been 17 hours since she last saw Nick. Robin was leaving in two days and she didn't expect to miss him, well not this much.

Tonight was the night that he was playing.

She made a decision not to go.

She had feelings for him which she was trying to get rid of and going to his gig would just ruin the plan.

Everytime she closed her eyes, she would see his green eyes staring at her with the usual intensity.

She missed him. She barely even knew him.

"I'm going mad." She said softly as she was eating dinner down at the hotel's restaurant.

She just couldn't stop thinking of him. The fact that they didn't even have a picture made her wild.

She started to remember the fortune teller's words. About good and bad coming to her.

This part was definetly the bad.

She was almost done eating when she heard something that alarmed her.

"What's the matter officer? Any problems?" The concierge asked the police officer suspiciously.

"Well, yes. We just received word that there's been a fire down at some club..what was the name again?..yes..the Ravel n' Dazzle."

"Nick." She gasped.

Robin stood up quickly and went straight to the police officer.

"What did you say?" She asked him rather impatiently.

"Some idiot was playing with fire and one thing led to the other and the wirings caught fire. There was a show going on."

Robin felt light-headed and she thought she might faint.

"Can you give me directions to the place please?" She asked pensively.

"Sure. Just go down to the beach house, then turn left and go straight ahead. I don't think you should be going down there, it's dangerous and--"

But before the police officer could finish, Robin had already ran out and was heading to the venue.

As she was running, lots of negative things were in her head.

She tried dismissing them but couldn't help the urge to cry.

When she got there, she froze.

The club was now in ruins, only fallen debris and sand left.

Blue and red lights were all her vision could decipher.

The sound of fire trucks and ambulances were the only thing supporting her from the ground.

"I'm too late." She whispered as she started sobbing uncontrollably.

She stood there for what felt like forever. Thinking of what might had happened if she had gone to the gig.

Thinking about if Nick was one of those in the ambulance.

Thinking about how she wanted to be the last person he saw.

All these thoughts made her heart break even more.

She knew this wasn't just a simple infatuation. She knew it was much, much more.

She couldn't be here. She had to go. She had to clear her mind.

She wiped her tears as she was standing up.

She turned and froze at the sight.

It was Nick, standing in front of her, grinning his ever so familiar mischievious grin.

But there was the evident concern in his eyes.

He moved closer to increase their proximity.

"I thought you were..I.." Robin tried saying but he interruped her by kissing her.

This time with more wanting. There was desperation in his kiss, almost as if he was begging her to do something.

She returned his kiss with equal desperation. She poured all the emotions into their kiss.

She wished so badly for them to remain like that, in each others arms.

But she knew better.

He slowly began to say.

"You want to know something Robin?"

She was confused by the question but slowly nodded a yes.

"The person who I thought of when I saw the fire was you. I thought of how I couldn't tell you I really cared about you before you left." He said, eyes searching hers.

She just stood there dumbfounded. He said he cared for her. Really cared.

She was stunned by her reaction. How could she be swooning because a stranger said he cared about her.

Did she expect him to say he loved her? Ridiculous!

"You're mad! How could you possibly love me? You barely know me Nick!" she whispered but she knew she was beaming with joy inside.

"I don't know, I just do." He said, bringing her closer.

She didn't say anything. She couldn't tell him she had feelings for him too.

She was leaving tomorrow and her saying those words would make every thing complicated.

"Stay the night with me Robin. Please." he said, his eyes begging her.

She wanted to say no. To say that staying the night would be the worst idea.

But before she could stop her self, she said.


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