Chapter One

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Chapter One

As she arrived at Heathrow, all the thoughts of what could go wrong started ringing one by one in her head.

"That will be 13 pounds maam" the cabbie said as he waited patiently for her.

"What if I miss my flight? What if my bags get stolen?" she worried as she paid him his fare.

She got out of the cab in swift motion and headed for the trunk to get her bags.

"I'm overreacting." she thought as she collected her bags and headed for the airport. "I'm just overreacting."

The airport was as busy as expected. Everyone was on their heels, heading hastefuly to their particular destination.

Robin jostled to find her gate. Luckily for her, her flight was just a few minutes away. She hated waiting in airports.

As she got to her line, she noticed the couple standing infront of her.

She couldn't help herself from eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Megan, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you coming along with me to this trip" he said towards her excitedly.

She held his waist and leaned into him as she said "I just know that New Zealand is going to be a success and I'm more than happy to take this risk with you"

He smiled at her then gave her a kiss that warmed Robin's heart.

"They were taking risks" she said quietly to herself with a smile.

Though she was alone, she too was taking a risk going to Fiji.

All the negative thoughts earlier quickly went away as she smiled towards them leaving.

She was too busy prying into their conversation that she didn't even notice the line move.

"Good day Madam. Your passport please?" The gateswoman said suavely as she eyed Robin.

Robin brought out her passport and gave it to her with a smile.

"This is really happening" she thought as she waited for the gateswoman to evaluate her passport.

She scanned around the airport and noticed the couple earlier heading towards the tunnel. She couldn't help but smile and think that she too was taking that leap of faith - and no, it didn't bother her that she was alone. It made her feel even stronger.

"Excuse me madam?" the gateswoman said, interupting her reverie.


"You're ticket madam. Head towards gate 4. Enjoy your flight" she said with a smile that seemed churlish.

As she headed towards gate 4, she looked down on her ticket and noticed her seat was "C-13". She wasn't supersticious. Infact, this made her flounce towards the gates.

As she arrived at the landing strips, heading towards the aircraft, the sun welcomed her with a lenient glow.

Her long, auburn hair blossomed as she trecked towards the aircraft.

The weather was surely in her favor.

As she entered the aircraft, she moved to her row and pushed down her luggage handles.

With the help of a nearby flight attendant, all her bags were in place and she was seated in her seat.

She was seated near the window which made the sun's shine complement her pale skin even more.

"Peanuts maam?" A flight attendant said as he was strolling passed her.

"I would love some. I'm quiet famished actually. I would love some champange with that." she said benevolently.

No more "I don't think I should" or "Maybe so-and-so wount approve" she thought to herself. The tremulous Robin was gone.

The flight attendant grinned at her and handed her her peanuts and drink.

It wasn't like Robin to drink in midday but this trip was a new beginning and she needed to start it off with something heavy.

As the pilot announced take-off, a short, elderly woman sat next to her.

They exchanged smiles as the woman popped out some sleeping pills.

"Mighty long flight we're going to have deary" she said as she gulped the pills in one swift move.

"A mighty long flight indeed" she replied as she shifted towards the window.

She looked outside the window and saw the buildings get smaller. Saw her problems start to shrink.

She wasn't being too dramatic - as Lillian had told her some days ago about this trip. She needed this.

She closed her eyes and started to imagine herself in a beautiful resort in Fiji. A handsome, tanned gentleman will be massaging her back as he engages her in facts about Fiji.

Her pouted lips formed a small smile. "If only Jack could see her now" she mused as she leaned back.

Ever since he dumped her a month ago, she never fantasized about another man. A Fijian stunner for that matter.

But things were going to change for the better. She was determined to turn her life around and as the plane was taking off into the clouds, so was her life.

She took a large sip of her cocktail as she drifted off into a deep dream about her Fijian sex god.

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