It Started With His Sunnies

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Perhaps she was being irrational.

Perhaps she thought this was the way out. Robin Smith was at the lowest point in her life and she needed a breakthrough.

She had to deal with a brokenheart, a recent unemployment and quite an annoying itch on her palm.

"Can this get any worse?" She mused as she was zipping her last luggage.

There was a beep sound coming from her pocket and they way it vibrated gave Robin that familiar ominous feeling.

She gazed down at her phone and slowly read the text from Lilian --her ambigous yet loyal bestfriend. It appeared that Tracy Middleton --her arch enemy since highschool --had gladfully possessed her old job.

No. She wasn't being irrational. Infact, this was exactly what she needed. She needed a break from all the drama in her life.

"One week is all I need." She convinced herself.

As she sat down on the edge of her very small bed, she thought of all the excitement layed ahead.

The beautiful beaches, the exotic looking men, the wonderful sites, and most importantly, she would be far away from London.

She lazily glanced at her flight ticket. Who was she kidding? People like her never received anything good. Serendipity wasn't in her vocabulary.

She was procastinating to avoid the inevitable. Disappointment. But she had to try.

She casually stood up and collected all her baggage. "Figi is going to be stellar." She chanted as she walked towards the door.

She gazed at her house defiantly, daring it to give her an ominous sign. But it did nothing. She gave a wry smile and entered the taxi.

"Figi is going to be stellar." She said once more as the taxi drove away.

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