Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Robin's cheeks were flamming red as she saw him smiling at her.

"Hi" he finally said as he leaned closer. "I'm Nick Carter".

"Robin Smith" she said as she held out her hand.

As their hands shook, something inside Robin started to tingle. Something deep.

She quickly withdrew her hands as she felt him give it a small squeeze.

"I must say" he said with an obscure smile, "I don't think my shades have ever looked so good".

He was eyeing her intently by this point.

She gave an appreciative smile and took of his sunshades.

"Well, here you go then. I'm sorry for -"

"No, please keep it" He said as he waved towards the bartender.

"Scotch for me and for the lady .. ?"

He turned to her with a grimmish smile that made her heart melt.

"Beer, please" she said, sounding confident - or so she hoped.

There was something quaint about him. She didn't even know who he was but whenever they locked eyes, her insides were getting warmer.

"He's a complete stranger!" the voice in her head sternly reminded. But no, he wasn't a complete stranger. She knew his name.

"So, Nick. What brings you to Fiji?" she said as she straightened her shoulders to level his.

As he shifted to answer her, their shoulders brushed which made her fidget a little.

"Well, I'm just touring with a few mates. Trying to let loose. You, Robin?"

He remembered her name. That was a sure bonus.

"Just mainly pleasure. Life sorta got a little bit stressful back in London so I took a break here".

He was staring at her intently when she said this. She too was suprised by her confession.

After what seemed like a lifetime, he finally said with a diminutive grin "Well, we all need a break sometimes Robin. Nothing wrong with that".

"Exactly!" she said rather too loudly. She noticed him staring at her and was thankful for the bartender's arrival.

"Here you go" he said as he eyed Robin maliciously.

Nick faced forward as he took a small sip from his scotch.

She eyed him from the corner of her eyes but quickly looked away as she saw him turn to look at her.

They just sat there, saying nothing but it seemed like that was enough.

"So, any hobbies Robin?" he finally said, breaking their silence.

"You seem to fancy my name cause you keep saying it alot. And reading and photography"

He gave a loud laugh before turning to her, knees touching this time.

"Well what can I say? I really do fancy your name. It's pretty. And mine are surfing, all kind of sports and traveling"

"You seem to like fitness"

"Well I'm 28. I'm not getting any younger" he said with a grin.

"My hobbies are quite a bore compared to yours"

"They're quite adventurous hobbies"

"Hobbies for the single" she said uncautiously but before she could correct herself, he was eyeing her.

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