Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

She tried to lift her head but the pain didn't allow her.

"Must be the champange." She said slowly as she let her eyes get adjusted to the light.

She stole a glance at her wrist watch and immediately stood up.

It was already 10 in the morning and she had just woken up.

She called the reception for breakfast and then went to have a shower.

She was just getting dressed when she heard a knock on the door.

Her whole body froze. As much as she tried, she couldn't forget last night.

How she met Nick again and how they talked for about 10 minutes but it felt like 10 hours.

How he looked when he was on stage playing the guitar and singing.

"Maybe it's him." She whispered as she headed for the door.

"Don't be silly, why would he come here? And he doesn't even know where you stay." The familiar voice in her head scolded.

She let out an exasperated sigh and opened the door.

To her disappointment, it was just one of the workers with her breakfast.

"Thankyou." She said with a smile but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

"My pleasure." He said as he set down her food on the table.

He was about to go then he turned around as if he forgot something.

"My apologies miss, here's a letter for you."

Robin's eyes widened with surprise.

"Fr-from who?" She said nervously as she took the letter from him.

"A man who came to the hotel earlier. He said I should give it to you."

"Well that's strange. Thank you though. Goodbye." She said hurriedly as she tore the envelope.

When he finally left, she took the letter out slowly and read.

*Hello there Robin, I hated how short our time was together yesterday and was wondering if you'd want to hang out later. I've set up a little suprise ;) Meet me at the island's beach house at 2pm? Till then.


Her palm went straight to her mouth as she tried to stifle a gasp.

Her heart was doing backflips while her brain was trying hard to catch up to the situation.

"He wants to meet me later." She said softly as she sat slowly on the bed.

She had to go. But there were all these questions in her head.

"Why me?" She thought. "He's in a band for heaven sakes. Why not the other girls?"

"Because you're beautiful, that's why!" Her inner voice explained.

She didn't want to believe it but it was good enough for now.

There was something enigmatic about Nick which she couldn't quiet decipher but that is what attracted her to him.

She went in the shower again and decided she was going to go.

She walked slowly to the beach house.

She wore ombre distressed shorts and a simple black tank and paired it off with sandals.

She put her hair in a bun and decided to go with no make-up.

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