Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Robin woke up with beedy eyes staring at her. The old lady seating next to her seemed to be studying her.

"You're awake dear. Just in time, we've just arrived." The old lady said cheerfully.

It was still day time in Fiji so the sun welcomed Robin with beautiful rays.

"Oh, really? Gosh, I had a really dandy dream. Quite bonkers actually." Robin surprised herself by the confession.

That seemed to amuse the Old lady -whose name turned out to be Robin, strange but true.

"Really? Mind sharing the dream?" Older Robin asked eagerly.

Robin could see people starting to leave the airplane.

"Maybe some othertime." Robin said lazily as she was trying to unbuckle her seatbelt.

She turned to ask Older Robin where she was heading to but she was no longer in sight.

Robin smiled and hoped she'd be safe. She then got up and got all her things and headed towards the exit.

She was standing in the line to get her passport stamped when she saw a sight that caught her attention.

A well-built, tall, dark skinned man was standing right infront of her.

He was good-looking - hell, he was extremely hot.

She was staring at him like he was Brad Pitt who got lost in an airport.

He turned back and saw her staring.

She felt her cheeks burn and knew she was blushing- something she hardly did.

He smiled at her for a second too long and then walked away.

"Who is that hot bloke?" She said quietly.

Her mind was quickly pushed back to reality when a middleaged guy was yelling at her fervently in a foreign language.

She realised she was holding up the line and started to walk. She then realised she had stepped on something, a pair of sunshades!

Her brain quickly calculated the situation and she knew it belonged to the hot stranger.

She picked it up, and to her relief, it wasn't broken.

Mr. Hottie was no where in sight so she quickly slid it in her pockets and walked ahead.

Several hours later, Robin had finally arrived at her hotel. It took forever to cue a taxi and more time to direct him to where she was going.

She was going to have to work on the local language here in Nadi.

She dragged her baggage to the concierge and was kindly escorted to her room.

Before the lean worker left, he told her that there was a festival/concert going on later at the island's park.

Robin knew that she came here for pleasure but the idea of roaming around a park didn't really attract her.

She was just too tired.

She layed on her bed for several mintues, letting everything sink in.

She glanced at the champange bottle on the other side of the bed.

She couldn't help but grin. She idly wondered if there were any pubs on the island.

Then suddenly, that familiar ominous vibration buzzed again.

She frowned as she searched for her cellphone.

Her eyed widened as she read her mother's less-than-pleased rant on how childish she was being and how she needed to return home immediately.

She scowled at the phone indignantly. Her mum was so infuriating at times.

They were close, but her mum always vetod every plan she had for herself.

She loved her mum but she noticed a drastic change since her dad had died two years ago.

She had become more temperamental and quite impudent.

Robin missed her dad too but she knew what her mum needed was a new love in her life.

Before she could change her mind, Robin stood up and changed quickly to her most daring attire she had taken with her.

It was a black mini dress with a daring cleavage and it fitted her body well.

She paired it with killer red pumps and light makeup. She worried of looking too overdressed but decided to hell with casualty!

She was quite slim but what she lacked in curves, she payed off with height and breasts.

She stood at 5'8 and always towered her peers.

"You're 24 hunn, but you have the body of a 18 year old." Her mum used to tease.

"This festival might not be that bad." She mused as she tredded to the mirror.

She looked intently at her reflection in the mirror. Pleased with her appearance, she headed for the door.

She noticed a familiar object's reflection on the bed and remembered she picked up the stranger's sunshades.

A slow smile crept on her face and she marched to her bed and put on the sunshades.

"I'm done with being the anal-retentive girl, time for vivacity!" She said aloud as she opened the door.

She was going to enjoy herself. She was in Fiji, for heavens sake!

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