Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

As they walked back to a nearby cottage, Robin couldn't help but try to contemplate what had just happened.

"Was he about to kiss me?" She mused as she rose her index and middle finger to her lips.

She wondered why the change of pace. She was getting cold as the inertia of the blowing wind hit her soft, pale skin.

She turned towards him as he looked out ahead.

Before she could speak, he said "I don't think I can do this, Robin. I don't want to fall into something this spontaneous"

His words traveled around her like rotating stars before they finally hit her.

The wind was becoming stronger and her light brown hair was out of control.

She turned to him and saw him looking at her with searching eyes.

What exactly was he looking for in her? Forgiveness? Hope? The sheer question bewildered her.

She took a deep breath as she looked him in his ocean green eyes and said "You're starting to sound alot like me y'know? I thought you were all about adventure? Excitement? Was that all a bunch of lies?"

She didn't mean to sound indignant but something in her started to boil as she said it. He seemed to notice the tone in her voice.

The sky unveiled bright red as they arrived at the cottage

Nick hadn't responded to her earlier and remained silent as they arrived.

She didn't need this bullshit, she decided as she changed directions and headed for the beach opposite them.

She turned around and saw him trailing her but she just continued walking 'til she felt a tug on her arm.

He was holding her arms as he stared down at her.

"I am about adventure. But this .. I .. I . I will be touring alot and I've been through things like this" he finally said as he gauged her expression.

She tried to pull away but he just held her harder.

She looked away as she said "Go then. I'm also just a tourist here and i'll be returning to London in a few days. We'll both be going seperate ways and - "

And before she knew it, his lips were on hers.

He didn't leave any room for breathe. His mouth travelled every where, from her cheeks to her neck to her lips again.

Her hands were around his neck and she was pulling him in for more.

Then, that familiar ominous buzzing brought her back to reality.

Her eyes swung open and she let go of him.

"I...I..can't Nick." she said, looking down at her fingers.

"There is something special about you Robin. I'm willing to take the risk to have feelings for you. I still don't know you that well but I really want to." he said breathless, still overwhelmed from the kiss.

She didn't understand his sudden change of decision.

Seconds ago she saw uncertainty and confusion in his eyes.

But all she could see now was affection and..something deeper. Something she didn't want to bother about.

She wanted with all her might to say Yes. That she was ready and willing to like him back. Even love him. But she couldn't.

No matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, he still was just an acquaintance, that in a few days would become nothing but that, a common acquaintance.

She gave a deep sigh as she closed her eyes then opened them to see him staring at her, waiting for an answer.

"I wish I could say I was ready, Nick. I really do but .. I can't. I'm not that kind of girl. I'm sorry" she said as she fought back the unwelcoming tears.

He still remained there, staring at her until he finally nodded and leaned forward.

He took her hand and placed something in it as he pulled forward to whisper "Well, our last show is at the Ravel n' Dazzle tomorrow night.. If ever you change your mind" then gave her a slow peck on the cheek before turning and walking away.

Robin's chest was pounding as she saw him walk away. She reminded herself that she was doing the right thing as she unfolded her palm that she was uncauntiously clenching and saw a purple guitar pick.

She stared at it as her tears started to fall uncontrollably.

"I'm doing the right thing." she said croackly as she lifted her face.

He was too good to be true and she needed to start facing reality. She was in Fiji to find diversion, not heartbreak.

She took a taxi back to her hotel as she thought back to his words and dismayed all the thoughts that made her want to change her mind.

"This is the right thing to do" she leaned back in the backseat as she placed the guitar pick in her pocket.

It Started With His SunniesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin