Obliviousness. Obliviousness EVERYWHERE.

Start from the beginning

Steve then took the stage as he began talking, wanting to alleviate the tension. "We have been in contact with Doctor Strange as well as The Guardians Of The Galaxy, both of which has helped us find a location of Thanos. Again, as we are associates SHIELD- there isn't much about the affairs of the world that we don't know. But it would be best to get to know each other and train in preparation for the upcoming war."

"That settles it." Chiron projected. "You will be allowed to use all of our facilities. We will play Capture the Flag tonight and you are welcome to join either of the teams. Afterwards we will have a campfire and sing along. Seeing as you are such a large group, we will have to split you up and divide you into different cabins. Unless you have something else planned?"

"We have something situated for our quarters." Steve stated calmly. "It would be advised that you all keep training to the best of your abilities."

"I trust that no one will touch our things? Most of us have pretty dangerous things or things essential to us. It would be unfortunate if any of us had to... reacquire... them." Bruce was the one to speak up this time, holding his hands in front of himself, feet firmly planted, body unshifting.

The Hermes kids and the other pickpockets of the camp nodded vigorously, not wanting to be pounded to a pulp by the Avengers.

"So, lets go set up camp. The kids can train with each other and we can keep sharp by practicing amongst ourselves. Lets go." Bruce said, walking more towards the center, towards Hestia's hearth.

Everyone deposited their bags as they set up their large communal tent. Bags were exchanged and set out, and Mrs. O'Leary sat by on watch, her SHIELD jacket being worn quite proudly.

The puppy turned around and pawed at the tent door, right before the conch sounded. "Attention campers and guests- it has come to my knowledge that the Hunters of Artemis are going to arrive soon. Remember to give them the respect they require and deserve. Boys- just steer clear of them please  last time they visited a camper almost got castrated. They will also be participating in Capture the Flag to continue their winning streak." Chiron's voice sounded out across the grounds. Several boy's faces paled and hurried to get to their next activity intact.

Suddenly the campers turned to the main pavilion as the hard a short scream. "toNY NO!" The teens soon saw the man running out of the large tent with Agent EctoCore on his shoulder. A silver streak then raced by and now the Agent was in Quicksilver's arms.

"This means war!" Tony yelled, trying to get the Agent back, the campers watching, bewildered as to what the Hades was going on with these grown ass adults.

Suddenly there were webs wound around the speedsters ankles, causing him to fall. Red energy surrounded the Agent, saving her from impact- Scarlet Witch letting her brother eat the dirt. Wanda didn't have ahold of her for long as Thor grabbed her out of the air.

And thus, the Agent was passed from each and every Avenger, Tony, Rhody, and Sam going without their suits. Gleeful shouting sounded throughout the air, accompanied by laughing and Agent EctoCore's uncontrollable giggles. What the campers didn't know was that the Agent was a bit mopey from having to be there and thus her teammates chose to cheer her up.

Ten minutes later the Hunters arrived, surprised to see a group of unknown adults running around, passing around a grown woman. Currently a man with long hair and a metal arm held the woman in his arms as he was chased. Suddenly the man tripped and the silver-garbed girls saw a puppy getting out from underfoot to sit proudly on the fallen woman's stomach. The group laughed claiming that the dog, Dallie they heard, had definitely won.

As the conch sounded, everyone turned towards the Hunters as they were announced. "Campers! Head to dinner. Having an early dinner means that our guests can plan and set up their attack. After the allotted time, no matter if the teams are done or not, Capture the Flag will begin. Its Campers versus the Hunters versus the Avengers! If the Hunters may meet with me quickly for a debriefing on our other guests, that would be wonderful."

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