Many Years Later

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Scientists rushed around in a hurry, turning knobs up to their max on the metal machine. If the woman that it was hooked up to could talk, then she would be screaming from the absolute, utter, and constant pain. The woman wore a medical smock and was restrained with metal straps on a horizontal metal table, nodes connecting the machine to the captive.

The nodes were positioned everywhere they could be. Two on her temples, some on her heart and the middle of her chest, ones in the crooks of her elbows and knees, some on the back of her neck, and the rest were on her back and stomach. Blueish green energy flowed from the woman, through the translucent tubes and into the machine, which seemed to be collecting it. The same energy seemed to create a film over her unblinking eyes.

A shaky, worried, voice sounded. "If we don't get what we need from her and pack it up, the past six months will have been a waste!"

"You don't think I don't know this? SHIELD has found us and if they ruin the tank then all of HYDRA's work would be flushed down the drain! They'll have our heads if SHIELD doesn't get them first!" A second voice hissed.

The scientists bustled around, unaware that the sounds of fighting had stopped. They did notice though, when the door was crumpled into a ball by red energy. A silver streak ran around them and they found themselves all tied up, blind folded, and something in their ears, making them hear silence.

The Avengers stood in the doorway, their eyes finding the woman on the table. She was covered in dust, showing that she had not moved in such a long time. Burn marks could be seen expanding out from the nodes, the marks standing out against her pale skin.

The team could see their two assassins stiffen in anger- their movements never betrayed them that much unless they were filled with unbridled anger that the did not care to hide. As Hawkeye took all of the nodes off carefully, Natasha cocked a gun at the hostages head.

"Woah! Calm down!" Tony called. "I thought this was a rescue mission not a shoot the hostage mission!"

Natasha's voice, cool and calculating, spoke up. "Stark. We do not know what has happened to her or if she has betrayed SHIELD. She was both my and Hawkeye's trainee. If anything I should be the one helping her up but I need to make sure she is in her right mind." Nat then took a knife out of a hidden pocket and gave it to Clint to cut the stitches that sewed the woman's mouth shut.

Hawkeye let out a watery laugh. "Looks like she couldn't keep her trap shut!"

It was then that the woman opened her eyes. She smiled at the gun that was pointed her forehead, like she was happy that she could get shot through the head. "Good thinking Spider." The woman croaked. Nat smiled slightly at the nickname.

Natasha then turned serious and said one simple word. "Budapest."

The rest of the Avengers, par the assassins and the one person that was strapped down, all looked at each other. Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Iron Man, Captain America, Falcon, War Machine, Thor, and Bruce were all kept in the dark about the infamous mission that was Budapest.

"Twinkies." Was the answer that they got in return. Natasha burst out laughing, pocketing her gun and undoing the restraints while Clint groaned, threw his head back, and rubbed his hands down his face.

"It was one time. ONE DARN TIME! And the plan still worked!" Clint exclaimed, embarrassed. Percy laughed, but coughs soon wracked her malnourished frame. Blood splattered the ground as the wounds around her mouth turned red with infection, layers of dust being dislodged with every hack and spatter of blood.

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