I'm not that girl

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I'm just like you and you're just like me but then again i'm nothing like you and you're nothing like me.

I'm not the girl you'd be seen having a laugh with nor am i the one to be confident whilst standing in front of the class.
I'm not the girl you'd see partying, let alone anywhere near that thing.
I'm not the girl to be stumbling in at midnight under any form of intoxication not that i'm ever under it.
I'm not the girl to be making out in the hall way
Im not the girl to be seen putting her hands up in class.
I'm not the girl to be seen having 'fun'
Im not the girl you'd want to be seen hanging around.

I'm not the girl that's seen at all

I'm the girl that'd avoid anything to do  with socializing which includes talking.
I'm that girl sitting at the back of the classroom staring out the window lost in her own world.
I'm the girl whose just too shy to utter a word.
I'm the girl who prefers to be left alone.

But at the end of the day i am a girl and i do have crushes.
I do yearn for that 'someone' but i'd never come clean about it.
Call me weak but thats just who i am. Weak.

This is my story, so sit back, get cosy, maybe even grab a handful of popcorn because it's going to be one hell of a ride.

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