"Morning!", Emma greeted, overly happy. The sudden outburst made Gabriel jump, while I was already used to it. 

"Good morning, (M/n)----What are you wearing?", Natalia asked, noticing the dress I was wearing. 

"Fashion.", I sassed, flipping my (short/average/long) hair while walking off, dragging Gabriel with me; leaving the two girls confused. We walked in silence, letting Gabriel take in the beautiful nature surrounding us. 

"So---", I tried to start but got cut off. 

"Chico, wait!", I heard someone from behind me yell. I turned around and saw three guys running towards us. More specifically: Antonio, Gilbert and Francis. By the few weeks I had got to know them, I noticed that they called themselves the Bad Touch Trio. It sounded lame to me. 

I stopped dead in my tracks, making Gabriel stop as well. The both of us waited for the trio, my feet tapping impatiently on the ground. After a bit, they made it in front of us, panting. 

"You three need to work more on your condition.", I mocked with a small smirk I tried to hide. 

"Ha Ha Ha, very funny.", Gilbert replied, rolling his eyes. 

"I sense sarcasm.", I stated, raising an eyebrow, "Anyway, what do you want?"

I crossed my arms while Francis responded, "We wanted to walk you to the school~."

"Nah, thanks.", I walked away from them with Gabriel following after me. 

"Aww, don't be so mean!", Antonio tried to reason, walking beside me. 

"No, screw you three.", I walked a bit faster, dragging Gabriel by his arm. Suddenly, I got stopped by the three vampires standing in front of me while giving me puppy dog eyes. 

"Go away, you three together always means trouble.", I stated, trying to pass them. 

"Pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssse!", The trio pleaded, looking at me with hurt looks. 

"Ummm, (M/n), just let them....", Gabriel said, giving in to them. 

"Ugh, fine!", I agreed, frustrated. 

"Yay!", The three vampires yelled at the same time. 

'Jeez, it's just a walk.', I thought, rolling my eyes. With that, they immediately started talking while walking beside us. Telling us unfunny jokes, flirting and telling us stories that probably never even happened. 


We made it in front of the school, seeing two certain Italian arguing. Well, one of them was yelling while the other was crying. I sighed, walking towards the two of them, not forgetting to drag Gabriel along with me, "Can you two tone it down?", I questioned. My morning was already bad, and by their bickering, they're making it worse. The two of them stopped, turning towards me. Feliciano immediately engulfed me in a hug, "Good morning~!", He greeted, hugging me tighter. I already got used to his enormous hugs by now, so I simply patted his back.

"That's enough!", Lovino shouted, prying the overly excited Italian off of me. 

"You just want to hug him yourself...", Feliciano told him, sticking his tongue out. With that, their bickering started again. I don't know why, but ever since I got close to them, they always seemed to argue; which was weird because people said that they didn't argue that much before. 

"Lovi!", Antonio yelled, engulfing the short-tempered Italian into a hug. 

"Damn you, bastard! Let me go!", He yelled, trying to break free, with no vain. Seeing how Lovino always saved me from Feliciano's deadly hugs, I saved him from Antonio's. 

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя