Chapter 8: I'm Tatum Welsh

Start from the beginning

"Hey! O-M-G! What is up with your outfit?! Omg what's wrong?!" she exclaimed in an annoying voice. She gave me the once over and shook her head. I was wearing what Tatum would wear. I had on a pair of grey sweatpants, a black tee, and worn white socks. My hair was in a ponytail and I was makeup-less. The mark on the back of my right ear burned as I lied. Luckily that was the only makeup I had left on. Just in case.

"Girl nothing's wrong." I giggled trying to act like Harper but I really wasn't feeling it.

"There is totally something up with you. Christi and I were waiting for you at my house but you never came. Did you forget?" she asked as she practically forced herself inside. She inspected the living room and wrinkled her nose. Ugh. Her presence annoyed me.

"Um no I just um . . . wasn't feeling very well." I lied. I had no idea what I missed with Harper's friends but I was glad I did.

"Obviously. You look like crap. Period?" she asked bluntly.

"I um yeah. Really really bad cramps." I lied and clutched my lower stomach. Clones couldn't have periods thank god. I was hoping having said that Melissa would've taken the hint and left. She didn't.

"Oh well that makes sense. You always act weird when you have your period." She commented. I just nodded. "Mandy just texted me. She said you went to school today and that you have a new boyfriend. What happened to Clyde?" she asked.

The difference between how Melissa ask and how a normal people ask is simple. A normal friend would ask that question because she genuinely wants to know. Melissa just asked to get the gossip. What amazing friends you have Harper.

"Well with Clyde missing I had to get the next best thing. His clone." I said with a smirk. Gosh being fake was a lot of work. How did Harper and her friends do this twenty four/seven? Practice I guess.

"A clone?! You're dating a clone?" she asked. Shock was visible in her expression and her tone.

"Yup what's the problem?" I questioned with attitude.

"You're dating one of them!" she exclaimed with distaste.

"Oh my god Melissa. You're so dramatic! What's the worst that could happen?" I said with a roll of my eyes.

"It . . . one of them could approach me!" she shrieked with fake fear.

"Oh please there's nothing wrong with clones. Stop being such a big baby." I snapped. Now that was a genuine reaction. She was starting to annoy the shit out of me.

"Whatever." She huffed and made her way to the kitchen. Gosh she was so rude just helping herself to things. She opened the liquor cabinet and my face turned white. It reminded me of That Night. I shivered. She pulled out a bottle of Bacardi and grabbed to glasses. She poured each cup to the rim. She took one and brought it to her lips. She put it back down half full. Then she looked at me expectantly. I shook my head no.

"I'm good." I said with a grimace.

"Oh come on Harp. You must be really sick to turn down a drink. It'll make you feel better I promise now drink." She said with a roll of her eyes. Gosh I just wanted to slap the attitude right out of her. Not wanting to blow my cover I took the glass and swallowed the thing whole. I put the glass down and gasped. I grimaced and Melissa smiled. "That's my girl." She praised.


I checked the clock as I laid on my bed. Ugh it was midnight and Melissa was still here. She varied from throwing up in my bathroom, ranting about something stupid, crying and laughing. Alcohol's bad kids. Don't try it. After the first drink Melissa kept refilling my glass as well as hers. She was too trashed and engrossed in her own problems to notice that I stopped drinking after the second cup she poured for me. I was not going to get drunk and black out again.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S MIDNIGHT?!" she yelled for no reason.

"Yes and I think it's time for you to leave." I stated as I sat up.

I picked her up from the ground and put her arm around my shoulder. I was able to lift her off the floor and drag her down the stairs. Now I know what you're thinking. I'm not going to let her leave by herself trashed. I'm sure Harper would it though. Right now I was going to do Tatum thing and Melissa was way too drunk to notice that.

"NO! I don't wanna go home!" she protested too loudly. I was lucky I was home alone. Clarissa was out with Mrs. Stacey's friends doing whatever Mrs. Stacey and her friends did. I wondered if she was having more fun than I was. I thought this whole switch up thing would be fun but so far it wasn't. Mrs. Stacey got drinks and glamour while I'm stuck cleaning up vomit. No fair.

"Too bad you're going home." I sighed.

I began to walk away and start pacing. What was I going to do with her? I turned back around to face Melissa and see why she was so quiet all of a sudden. Turns out it was around that time she passed out. It was the millionth time she passed out tonight. I went over and checked her pulse just in case. She still had one thank God. I sighed and an idea popped in my head. I reached into her purse that she was clutching and grabbed herself. It wasn't as good as my (more like Harper's because I could never afford something like that) phone but it was still nice. I guess Harper just always had to be better than the rest of her friends. Doesn't it ever get tiring?

I started scrolling through her contacts. Come on she had to have it. Turns out she did. Can we say lazy? She had her robot/servant thingy on speed dial. I laughed to myself. I was actually shock that the Stacey's didn't have a robot servant. I thought they only had the best. I shook my head with amusement and dialed the robot.

"Hello Melissa." a monotone robotic voice answered.

"It's Harper." I said with fake attitude.

"Hello Harper. How may I help you?" the robot asked completely unaffected by the attitude.

"It's Melissa. She's at my house drunk and passed out. Come get her pl-"I cut myself off before I said please. Harper doesn't say please. I was sure of it.

"Tracking phone, calculating address." The robot murmured. "I will be over shortly. Thank you Harper."

"Yeah whatever." I replied and hung up.

About twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see the robot. I looked exactly the same as Sebastian's. I guess that's how they all come.

"Thank you Harper." The robot said again.

This time I didn't reply I just rushed them out the door. I turned back around and plopped on the couch. I let out a huge sigh and just sat there. Tears welled in my eyes and guilt mixed with sadness stirred around in my stomach. This was so wrong. It was extremely wrong. I didn't want to do it. I wish I didn't have to. I just wanted to be Tatum. Tatum Welsh.

That's who I am.

Tatum Welsh not Harper Stacey.

Tatum Welsh.

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