(Young!) Remus Lupin X Reader

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The storyline is explained. Ish. The IMPORTANT parts of the storyline are explained. There.

The leaves in the willow tree rustle above my head and I look down towards the gleaming lake, the reflection of the cloudy skies scribbled upon its rippling surface. The bitter breeze bites at my cold flesh, but I don't notice. I'm too busy seeing the same figure in my mind. His shaggy brown hair and strong features. Too bad he's my best friend. 

"Oh Remus, if you could only see what I really feel... He is such a perfect person but he doesn't see it. He only hurts himself because of the pain he thinks he causes others. Look at all of the new cuts and bruises that he's sporting every day; he's so brave and yet he still doesn't brag about it. He tries to keep out of everyone's way so that he doesn't hurt them and yet, all he's doing by doing so is hurting himself... And me... If only he knew how much I want to be with him, no matter what, then maybe he would let me become an animagus like he let his real friends. I wonder what he thinks of me. Do I cling to him too much every time I see him? Am I just not pretty or strong enough? Hell, I'm not even strong enough to say all of this to his face. What are you doing to yourself Y/n?"

I sigh and lift my knees up, curling into a ball and burying my face into my knees. Suddenly the silence around me is broken by a rustle in the trees. I look up, panicked as thoughts rush through my head. Oh my god, they heard me? Who are they? Are they going to tell Remus? What should I do? Ahhh Remus help me! Then I hear a voice.


It came from up there. I know who it is now, I just don't want to believe it. Not now. Why now? Why me? I stutter out the name that has been going through my head for so long.


Suddenly a figure drops in front of me while my head is still buried in my knees since tears are starting to prick at my eyes. I don't even bother to look at who it is, it's pretty obvious by now. My cheeks are burning with embarrassment and sadness. Remus won't want to even be my friend after this anymore, he'll hate me forever. The tears start to spill from my eyes and I begin to cry into my own knees. I feel so weak and exposed. That is until Remus speaks from in front of me.

"Y/n... were all those things you said true? Do you... have feelings for me..?"

The embarrassment becomes too much and my mental wall collapses, leaving me with no emotional defence anymore. I sigh and look up. Remus is so close, but he doesn't look like he knows what he's doing at all. He looks confused and scared. I decide it's time. After three years of keeping a secret, I'm just going to let it out. I speak with a shaky voice,

"It's true Remus. Of course it is. I love you. For three years, Remus. I'm sorry, I didn't want to split our friendship but I just had to let it out. I wish I could love myself, Remus, but I can't and my heart decided to take away my closest friend as well as my reason for living. I-I'm sorry..." I stop, tearing up again. Remus takes immediate action, instinctively pulling me close and hugging me tightly. I'm not sure why. I don't mind though since I feel safe in his arms. I always have. Remus is lost for words as he holds me close so he just does something else instead. 

He grabs my chin and gently pulls our faces closer, closing his eyes before our lips softly collide. My eyes widen for a moment before they close and I pull on Remus' neck, making him come closer. He cups my cheek with his spare hand and it feels like heaven. 

Remus Lupin loves me back...

Sorry for the last time guys! I have been gone for so long! I promise this is the last time I will apologise. I tried to make the oneshots as varied as I could so I made an angsty marauder, a fluffy Ron and an almost-lime Drarry. I'm happy to say I think my writing has improved though! Well actually I don't know, but that's what votes and comments are for, right? ;)

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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