Georgie X reader

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In celebration, and because i feel sorry because it wasn't an update, Im doing George! (Not in that way, creep! -_-) oh yea ur in Gryffindor btw, just to make dis easier for me 😜

I was sitting at the Gryffindor table at dinner, while my friends were talking about some new disney movie they wanted to see. I wasn't all that interested, i was thinking about the prank we all just pulled on Filch. I looked around and saw Gred and Forge talking to Harry and Ron. Grinning at myself because of the nicknames, i tuned in to the conversation. Just as i tuned in, i realised that Fred, harry and Ron were staring at me, while George was making strange hand gestures. I concluded four words from his charade: "You, go, prom, me." I blushed as i realised i was right and found myself nodding vigorously. George laughed as the others started to chat again. George looked at me again. This time i nodded truthfully and he smiled and went back to his conversation, after a subtle wink.

<+>+<+>+<+>+>at the ball<+<+>+<+>+<+>
I was wearing a F/C dress that just went over my knees. My hair was dangling loosely and i was wearing short black heels, so i wouldn't trip. My only jewellery was a cute silver necklace with a purple gem that my friend gave me. I was only wearing unnoticeable light makeup, because i simply hated the stuff. I didn't see why people made their skin worse on purpose and just covered it up again, making worse and worse. I turned to see George facing me with Fred and Angelina next to him. Victory screech! I smirked, Fred and Angelina were my number one ship right now. Fred rolled his eyes and explained to Angelina why i was so amused. After all, Fred had told me there was no chance of them getting together. Angelina rolled her eyes. The same reaction as Fred.

I turned my attention to George. He wore black dress robes and a reddish-white flower that brought out his hair. "God, Y/N! You're beautiful!" I blushed and muttered a quick thanks. He grinned and we got drinks. They didn't play many slow songs, except for the champions' song obviously, but we tried our best nonetheless. Soon i became very, VERY tired and leaned my head on George's shoulder. I was surprised he hadn't pulled a prank on me and told me he was Fred yet. I moved my eyes up to see that he was asleep. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, i felt something brush past my lip. It was so light that i barely noticed it and concluded that  it was a breeze. Then, i felt a definite connection, gasped and opened my eyes. George missed no opportunities and slid his tongue into my mouth. I was too tired and let him explore without a fight. He pulled back and the last thing i remember is a smirking Fred and a dazed-looking George - before i fell asleep.

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