Ron X Reader (Super fluffy)

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Sorry again for not updating in a while guys, I'm really trying though it doesn't seem like it. This is the first of three new oneshots that I told you about in the previous chapter. I hope you enjoy guys. The background story is that you are Ron's girlfriend and you are in Gryffindor in your seventh year. You and Ron decided to break a rule or two because you two were dying to sleep in the same bed as each other, so you guys have gotten your friends and roommates to agree to cover up for you and stuff. By the way it's in an AU where none of that Horcrux shit happens until they're out of school because I said so.

I lay on Ron's bed chatting to Harry while Ron got changed. I decided not to peek on Ron because I felt like being nice for a change and the conversation I was having with Harry was actually rather enjoyable. We were debating about Draco Malfoy. He constantly targets Ron, Hermione, Harry and I because he's super dumb. He never realises that we are all planning to strike him back. Our plan involves tons and tons of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes with not-so-pleasant side effects.  Let's just say, I take great interest in spying on the most mysterious people. In Hogwarts, they are Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape. I'm the only one in the school who knows what's going on with Snape and how brave he truly is, but Draco is a harder nut to crack. He seems to never share his thoughts with anyone or anything- EXCEPT that enchanted journal that he keeps under his pillow, and that's impossible to get. It's in the Slytherin common room, in the boys' dorms and under the most prestigious boy in the school's pillow. Not to mention the seven different enchantments he puts on it every time he opens it. Ugh, that boy is so impossible- but no. I WILL crack Draco once and for all! I just need to think of how...

Suddenly I feel a presence close to my face and something soft and warm collides with my forehead. It feels like... like...

"Ron...?" I mumble and open my eyes. Ron pulls his lips back from my forehead and I realise that I'm now laid down on the bed. My eyes shut again and I'm drifting once more until.

"Hey, sleepyhead, you gotta budge over so I can get in too," Ron says leaning over me. I stay put, already so close to being back asleep. Ron gently touches my lips with his and whispers, "Come on Y/n. Please move over a little? For me?" I could literally hear the puppy eyes in his voice so I whine and shuffle over to give Ron some room, opening my eyes slightly, just in time to catch Ron's little victory dance. I giggle a tiny bit as he climbs in by my side. Something makes me feel at ease in that moment, even though we are breaking a lot of rules by sleeping together. But it's not like we're having sex so I don't see the problem and the other boys aren't too bothered either. As long as we stay out of their way then they don't mind. I could feel Ron's chest pressed up against my back as he pulls me closer by my waist, letting out a contented sigh. The world of dreams comes to claim me again as Ron strokes my hair with soft hands...

Harry Potter x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now