Draco x reader

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Im gonna make this one hard for myself and make you a Gryffindor with h.c. hair and e.c. eyes. Ikr? TOTALLY unpredictable!


Im wandering through the school, lost in my thoughts, when i turn a corner and bump into Malfoy. Ugh how much can you hate a guy like him? Not enough. Im surprised when he takes notice of me, let alone when he helps me up to my feet. He doesn't apologise, but I'm not exactly expecting one - so it doesn't matter. Crabbe steps forward, raises his fist and was prepares to give me a 'punishment' until Draco stepps in front of me and raises his arms, as if he was...  Defending me?

"Stop it Crabbe." He demands and i blush at the tone of his voice. He's so cute! What the f*ck did you just think, y/n.? You hate this git! He bullies b/f/n and he has a girlfriend anyway! Or... Does he? I hope not. Shut up!

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a soft pair of lips pressed on mine. I blinked and saw Draco's face, centimetres away from mine. "Hello? Earth to y/n~" I blush red at his words. Wow... He's a lot sweeter when he doesn't have those moronic friends of his around. Speaking of whom, where did they go?

He grins and kisses me again, noticing me getting lost again. My hands intertwine around his neck and the kiss deepens when he bites my lip. Our tongues tangle and untangle, twisting and turning together. My hand runs through his hair and we part for air. But Draco doesn't stop there. He kisses down from my mouth to my neck and towards my shoulder, causing me to moan softly. He finds the sweet spot and attacks it.

We stop immediately when we hear high-heels slowly coming towards us. We glance at each other, nod and hide behind a statue. Silent words pass between us.

(Y= you D=Draco)
D: Y/n?
Y: hmm?
D: i love you. Will you be my girlfriend?
Y: *giggle* well i guess i have nothing better to do (sarcasm)
D:  Ha. Ha. Very funny.
Y: naturally.
He chuckles and i giggle. Then she found us. She must've heard. Oh sh!t.

Harry Potter x Reader OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora