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A lot of things have happened in the six days after that. I talked to Andy every night on the phone. He was sweat and caring nothing like what Louis had told me about him. I still hadn’t spoken to Harry. When ever Liam and I spoke he only spoke to me half hearted his eyes never looking me in the eyes ashamed of the lie he made.  I had been on two dates with Andy so far and things where going well. We had fun, played some games at different stores and walked around the town but none of it made my mind drift off Harry and what he was doing. Every time Andy talked to me I said either ‘oh yeah’ or ‘ha-ha really’ making him think I was listening when the truth was I wasn’t. I new that I was leading him on and so did Louis each night after I got off the phone with him Lou would sit me down and tell me night after night that if I spoke to harry that maybe we could work things out. But I was scared, what if he didn’t want to talk to me.

It wasn’t till the third date I went on with Andy that I realised talking to Harry would brake my heart. Andy and I were sitting in a café sipping tea while I chose  not listen to him like usual. Then the door opened and Harry walked in. my whole insides lit up and I let out an internal squeal but that warm feeling that he gave me soon disappeared when I saw a short blonde walking behind him slides her arm into his.

“ Gabby, are you okay?” I remember Andy asking me. and I nodded but I couldn’t stop staring at the couple in front of me and the new found hurt I was feeling inside of me.

Harrys eyes drifted up from the girl to his normal height, looking around the room before they landed on me. time went in slow. His eyes pieced through mine like he was looking past me. his lips curled up into a half smile and his head nodding at me.

I do the same but my expression stays  cold    an arm reaches Harry’s elbow making his concentration turn from me back to the little blonde Lady.

“ and then I said what the hell are you talking about”

“ hahaha really” I say to Andy who’s talking about who knows what.

 The room unfreezes, everything came back to the way it was with harry and the girl walking out of the shop and back into the street.

That night I stayed in Louis’s arms crying all my feeling out on him. Louis didn’t say much he just made sure he stayed put and that his arm kept moving around on my back.

“ I think you need to talk to him, you have one more whole day here tomorrow and this needs sorting out”

“ I …. C…cant I .. he”

I wasn’t able to get a whole sentence out for him to work with my voice chocking up tears every second letter.

“ at the party you need to pull him aside talk to him. Can you do that much for me?”

I nodded I could do that if I stayed strong and didn’t show him my hurt broken heart.

“ aha”

Louis let out a soft chuckle before rubbing my back again. “ I love you gabby” Louis says as I drift off into a deep sleep my body shivering from the cold while the other half broke into peace’s.

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