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We ate fish and chips for dinner that night all seven of us sitting at the dinner table chatting away like we were one big family. The night sky was so beautiful as we sat on the back porch my legs swinging below the high chairs that where a few feet off the ground.

“So Harry how’s your mother” mum asks as I take a bite of my fish.

“She’s good”

“ and your sister, how’s she going.”

“ yeah Gemma’s good”

“ that’s good to hear, I do miss your mother dearly.”

I started to collect all the plates with the finished sign showing from the way each boy sat back bloated. Letting out a small giggle I  walked  inside when Liam comes in with the glasses joining beside me as I turned the hot water on.

“Gabby I need to talk to you about something”

“what’s up “

Once the water had reached the top I turned it off and placed all the plates into the water watching them splash everywhere on impact.

“Is there something going on with you and Harry?”

I turned around confused. Me and Harry ?

“What brought this on?”

Liam walks over to the island bench and sits on the top his legs dangling as he looked down on the floor.

“I saw you with Harry, today down at the beach “he says starting the dishes.

“ which bit ?” Liam could have seen so many different parts of the little adventure we had it was hard to think of one bit.

“ the bit where harry ran for his life, lifted you up out of the water and the way you both looked at each other”

“That was just a dare.”

“What was?” he says confused.

“  I only went under because of a dare we made, nothing more. Harry just freaked out when I got dragged under.”

“ where you drowning?” Liam asks concerned.

“I was drowning, but I new what to do. It happens all the time!”

I honestly didn’t know what to do. It never has happened before. And I was terribly scared to think about it knowing if it wasn’t for harry I could have died.

“Yeah but when he got you up you looked like….”

I looked at Liam and shook my head stopping him mid sentence.

“Nothing’s going on between us”

Liam didn’t say anything after that. For a while . he just stayed seated looking down at his feet while I washed the seven plates and glass cups.

“I’m sorry “

Liam starts walking off when I ran after him.

“Li what’s with you?”

Liam turns around and looks at me.

“Nothing don’t worry about it “

But I was worrying. Why was a good friend of mine so upset.

I walked into my room after my shower shutting  the door behind me about to get changed.

“That’s a really short towel.” I turned around and saw Louis and Harry sitting on my bed a frown on Louis’s face and a smirk on Harry’s.

“What are you doing in here?” I snap soon deciding I should probably go put some clothes on.

I start to make my way to my cupboard where the clothes I left behind stayed.

“You were right” Louis says starting the convocation.

“Right with what?”

“It feels like we never have been split around mum” 

“I told you “I say to Lou while grabbing my Beatles PJ top and a pair of underpants.

Louis gets up and gives me a hug.

“I love you Gabs”

I hugged him back while adjusting my towel.

“Love you too”

Louis walks out of the room leaving the door open while harry stayed seated on my bed.

 “Can I get dressed” I say holding my clothes.

Harry nodded and turns around facing the wall giving me a little privacy.

“Why is Liam not talking to me “

“What??” I say confused “ Liam’s not talking to you?”

 “He won’t say a word to me “

I slid my t-shirt over my hands and but my arms in the sleeves. I then pulled the towel off my body not showing anything because my shirt was longer then my waist line.

“I don’t understand why you think I know anything “

“Because I saw you talk to him after dinner”

Harry turns back around so his facing me just as I finished sliding my underpants on .

“We did talk “

I sat down on my bed and crossed my legs.

“What did you talk about?”

“He asked if we were anything and I said no” as I said the word anything I pointed to harry and I .

Harry rubbed his head and looked at me.

“He likes you Gab”

I shook my head.

“No he doesn’t!”

Harry nods and starts again.

“He was talking about it and now he thinks I like you  ... oh my god”

“ he talked about me?”

“ yeah a few days ago, after the whole accident thing. He kept saying on how he likes you and that he cant do anything because of Lou and now me thinks I like you….”

Harry puts his head in his hands shaking around frustrated at the whole incident.

“Do you like me?” I ask softly.

Harry looks up at me and nods. “Of cause I do you’re like my little sister.”

Their where those words again. I had herd enough about those words. They where a huge problem in my life and they were starting to annoy me.

I grabbed my pillow and started out the room Harrys eyes following my every move.

“Where you going?” Harry asks as I open the door and start down the hall not answering his question.

I open Louis’s bedroom door and shut it behind me whipping a tear that was falling down my left cheek.

“Harry???” Louis says sitting up in bed.

“Can I sleep in here?” I ask.

“oh Gabby, of course sis, Come here “Louis says tapping the bed. I crawled over into his side of the bed and lied down next to him.

“What’s wrong?” he asks his arm folding around me.

“I just need to sleep “I say closing my eyes.

“I love you Gabs” Louis says kissing my forehead.

“I love you too Lou.”

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