Graduations and Monsters

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Percy's POV

Graduation day has finally arrived, today's the day that my adult life officially begins. I stood in front of the mirror on the wooden door of my apartment, I pulled on a sea blue t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and black Converse. My sword (Riptide), in pen form; was nestled in the pocket of my jeans. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. I made sure I did this quietly, as to not wake my girlfriend Annabeth. She was sound asleep, curled up on the right side of the bed with her laptop was wedged between her arms. I knew she'd been working late last night, the stupid tapping sound from her keyboard kept me up longer than I wanted to be.

I looked over at her and smiled. Even when she slept she was beautiful, her curly blonde hair was sprawled out over her pillow. She always slept curled up in a ball and I never got tired of listening to her calm and steady breathing. Every morning I still felt the rush of watching her wonderful stormy grey eyes flutter open in the morning and watch their sparkle light up the day better than the sun did.

She was my whole world. We'd known each other since we were twelve, we were as about as close as anyone could get. We'd fought battles together, saved each other's lives, (well Annabeth saved my life more). Gone through Tartarus together and seen the best and the worst of each other. But she's been my best friend through it all, and I love her more than I can say.

I crept toward the apartment door without the fear of tripping over anything as Annabeth is a neat freak, unless it comes to her work. Our apartment was free of clothes on the floor and papers on the tables, but in Annabeth's little office it was a hurricane of papers. I don't know how she found anything in that office; but her amazing architectural brain had landed her a job at one of the biggest architecture companies on Long Island before she'd even graduated college, so who am I to judge?

I'd almost made it to the door without making a sound until I stepped on the one board that creaked in our apartment. I gritted my teeth as it let out its loud, ear piercing squeak and I heard Annabeth moan from our room, "Percy, what time is it?"

I raced back to her and sat down on the bed next to her, "8:00, now go back to sleep, you were up late again working." I told her, trying to convince her to lay down again.

Annabeth yawned and nestled her head into my shoulder, "as tempting as that sounds I need to get ready. Today's graduation seaweed brain, don't blow it." I heard the smile in her voice.

I kissed her head, "very funny wise girl, joke's on you, I already passed all my exams so I do get to graduate." I teased.

"Uh, huh sure." She sighed, I knew she'd go back to sleep. She almost did until she panicked, "wait you said it was eight?"


"Percy! Graduation starts at eleven! And we need to be at field house by ten! Why did you let me sleep in?" She asked, smacking me with a pillow.

"I was going out to get something then I would've woken you up with a surprise breakfast. And besides we have two hours, that's plenty of time to get ready. I figured you'd want to sleep since you were up so damn late last night." I answered, sustaining my mellow tone of voice.

"Oh, right, sorry. Guess I'm still a little groggy. Sorry, I'm just really stressed about graduation." Annabeth sighed.

"Why are you stressed about it? You're validictorian, if anything I should be stressed." I said, giving her a little squeeze.

"You should be stressed, I gotta keep you on your toes seaweed brain. I'm just worried something is going to go horribly wrong, it's like I can sense it you know?" She looked up at me, as her stormy grey eyes wild with thought met mine.

Percabeth: A New Beginningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن