Chapter 23: Mystery Revealed

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Jason's POV:

I led her down the stairs to the living room. I couldn't help but feel that something bad was going to happen. We can never catch a break, I swear.

Walking into the kitchen with her, we saw Ryan helping Zeke the wounds I gave him. I should say sorry, but he deserved it, he touched my girl. I felt the anger start to build up again,  but Tori grabbed me and pulled me closer. She was my outlet, she just took all of my anger away.

"Apologize, " she sternly whispered in my ear.

"I dont feel like it," I replied. She poured and looked up at me with her big innocent eyes,"ugh, fine I'll apologize."

"Zeke, I'm sorry that you decided to be a dick and kiss my girlfriend," I said proudly.

"Jason!" Tori yelled and smacked my arm.

"Fine! I'm sorry for beating the shit out of you and I'm sorry you couldn't fight back," I said. I looked at Tori and she rolled her ryes.

"That's the best you'll get out of him Tori, so don't keep trying," Ryan said. She nodded and sighed. Zeke looked at me with wide eyed. Im not gonna beat him again, unless he touches my girl.

"Well, Zeke's all fixed up. Now, whatcha say we all watch a movie?" Ryan said. Everyone nodded and headed to the living room. My body became tense as I heard a sound come from the front door.

"Are you okay babe?" Tori asked, concerned.

"Yea, I'm fine," I replied. But i couldn't keep my eyes off the door.

Something was gonna happen, something......bad.

Victoria's POV:

Ryan turned on the tv and selected the movie The Hangover 3 on demand. Jason suddenly tensed against me and I knew something was wrong. I turned to him but his attention was to the front door.

"Jason, babe, is everything ok?" I whispered to him. He hesitantly pulled his attention to me.

"Yea, what movie are we watching again?" he said.

"The Hangover 3. Whats wrong?" I asked again.

"Nothing, lets watch the movie," he said. Liar. I turned my head toward the screen but out of the corner of my eye I could see him stealing glimpses of the door. What the fuck?

I heard somethin. A clicking noise, coming from the door.

"Someone's picking the lock," I heard Jason whisper. He quietly got out of his seat and grabbed a pistol from the closet behind the couch.

"Nobody move a muscle," he said slowly. Ryan, Zeke, and I sat on the couch glancing around nervously.

There was a smash as someone kicked the door down.

"Max McCann, put your hands up or I'll shoot your ass," a stern voice yelled. I saw the tip of a gun and got up to run.

"Max isnt here," Jason yelled while pointing the gun towards the man in the door.

"Then who the fuc- Jason?" the man asked while putting the gun down.

"Alex?" Jason said, pointing the gun towards the floor.


BAM! Alex came for Max aka Jason's daddy, but found Jason whats the relation between Alex and Jason.....???? tell me what u think in the comments below?;)

I love you guys soooo much ugh it hurts!

I havent had a single negative comment so far so im doung something right?;)

anyways, love you my sexys!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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