Chapter 20: Unfaithful

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Victoria's POV:

I've been on the couch for a couple of days but I was completely oblivious to what was going on. Jason would come and go, to who knows where. I was still too weak to get up and be active. The guys would all take turns taking care of me and Zeke would clean out my wounds. But, I do feel stronger.

I turned my body and looked at the cable box, 8 pm.

"Guys! Some guy, any guy!" I called out. I heard footsteps running down the stairs and looked up at Zeke.

"How are ya feeling?" he asked. He crouched down next to me and pushed some hair out of my face. Ok, Zeke was a total sweetheart and needs a girlfriend.

"Much better. Now, I need food," I said. He chuckled and stood up.

"Its always about food," he said. I began to get and and he turned around to stop me.

"No, I meed to try. Ive been sleeping and resting for who knows how long and I need to see the sun," I protested. Zeke reluctantly let me go and I wobbled into the kitchen.

"How long?" I asked him.

"Five days," he said as he heated up some soup.

"Five fucking days! Something could've happened to one of you guys! Where the hell are those other two idiots?" I said. Zeke looked at the floor.

"They went out drinking," he said softly.

"They went what? He thinks he can just go out drinking while im sick! What the hell is wrong with him?" I yelled. Zeke cringed. The microwave went off to show that the soup was done.

"Just give me my fucking soup," I said. Zeke handed it over to me and poured me a glace of ice water.

Once I was done, Zeke cleaned the dishes and my wounds.

"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked. I nodded in response.

"Yea, lets watch The Campaign, " I said. Ive always wanted to watch this movie because Will Ferrell cracks me up. Zeke nodded in agreement and started the movie.

The movie was done at 12:30 and Zeke and I had tear stained faces from laughing so hard.

"That movie was funny as hell!" Zeke said.

"I know! We need more comedies in this house!" I said. He nodded and stood up.

"Well, im gonna go to sleep now. Just yell if you need anything. Goodnight," he said.

"Goodnight!" I called. I jumped on the couch and grabbed my blanket and pillow and tried to fall asleep. I kept tossing and turning. I just couldn't stop thinking about Jason. Is he safe? Did some slut try to get with him? Where is he?

All of the worst case scenarios kept popping into my head. What if Chase got him? What if he gets into a car accident? What if they find him? What ifs just kept squeezing into my head.

I jumped at the sound of keys fumbling to get into the lock at the front door. Jason??

The door swung open and Jason walked in.... with a girl wrapped around him. Literally, her legs were wrapped around his torso and she was kissing him with hunger. Anger filled me. I wanted to get up and scream, but I couldn't.

He wobbled toward the stairs and clumsily walked up them and I looked back to see Ryan close the door and look at me. I could see the sorrow in his eyes. He turned and walked towards the stairs.

Theres one thing I can do. I got up and tip toed to and up the stairs. I heard heavy breathing that got louder as I walked to our room. I peaked into the room because Jason doesnt know how to close doors. What I saw made me gag.

Jason was thrusting into the blonde girl full force and she was moaning. I looked closer to see that Jason had covered her mouth to keep her from screaming. Thank gosh that the sheets were covering all the action. I could feel the tears rising. I pulled the door so it wasn't completely closed and raced downstairs. I jumped onto the couch and put my face into the pillow to soften my sobs.

Next Morning! ;)


The sound of a gunshot made me jump and scream from my sleep. I looked around frantically and saw Zeke standing wide eyed in the kitchen before he raced up the stairs. My breathing was heavy and uneven.

Five minutes later, Zeke came running back down the stairs and hugged me.

"It was nothing," he said. But I knew it was a lie. I hugged him back and when he released me we walked into the kitchen to eat.

"I made some eggs, toast and bacon," he said. I gladly made a plate and sat down to eat. Two sets of footsteps could be heard from the stairs and in came hungover Jason and Ryan. Their faces were whiter than usual and they had bags under their eyes, which were a little red.

"Eat up guys," Zeke said. They both attacked the food and ate it quickly. Jason suddenly launched himself to the garbage pail and threw up what he just ate and possibly last nights vodka. Zeke patted his back and gave me a look.

When he was done, he wiped his mouth and smiled at me.

"Hey babe, I missed you," he said.

"Fuck off McCann, " I glared at him and his eyes widened and darkened.

"Whats your problem?" he said.

"Did you have fun drinking?" I asked.

"It was some stress reliever! I've been doing a lot of shit," he yelled.

"To busy fucking sluts?" I asked. He looked shocked and I saw realization in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"How many girls this week? In just the five days ive been sick. You can tell me, because im your girlfriend and im faithful and trustworthy, " I said as I walked closer to him.

"I dont know what you're talking about," he gulped. Keep lying.

"Oh, so you dont know about that blonde skank in your bed last night? How she had her legs wrapped around you or how you covered her mouth as you thrus-"

"Stop!" He yelled to cut me off. His breathing increased and he glared at me.

"Im done with you," I said. I turned quickly and ran for the door. I ran towards the back, to the lake. I looked at the back of the house and saw a black garbage bag under a small pile of leaves. As I walked closer, I noticed blood coming from the bag. I opened the bag out of curiosity. Bad idea.

I opened to bag to find the blonde girl from last night, with a bullet wound right between her eyes.



So I know that I've had writers block and school but! someone commented on the last update and brought an idea. As promised I twisted it into something more dark and f'ed up!

Soooooo @rafa_xo how does it feel to have your idea in this story?? I loved the idea and immediately thought of ways to twist it! Congrats, you were the only person that commented a suggestion!

Do you want a follow.... OR NAW?!

Haha on that note, comment things you think will happen! And also I hope you guys had a good Valentine's Day and if you're on break be safe!



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