Chapter 19: The Call

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Victoria's POV:

I looked at Jason and tried to contain my tears. I havent seen my mom in weeks and I miss her so much. Her boyfriend can go fuck himself but I just want her to know im ok.

"Don't you think that will cause a problem?" He asked while twirling a finger in my hair.

"I just want to tell her that I'm ok and to stop looking for me," I said. He looked shocked.

"You don't want to go back?" he asked.

"Honestly, I wasn't happy. And If do go back, you'll be sent away and I don't want you gone," I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"We both know that im not going anywhere without a fight," he said. I laughed a little.

"Can I still call her?" I asked again. He sighed and looked away.

"Yea, just use an blocked number on the house phone," he replied. I nodded and limped into the kitchen to grab the house phone. I punched in my mom's cell number and waited as it rang.

"Hello?" her voice answered. I could here her sniffling through the phone.

"Hi mom," I said, tears coming to my eyes. I blinked then away.

"Tori, is that you? Ive missed you so much!" she cried into the phone.

"I miss you to mom. Im ok, I just wanted to call you and tell you that im ok," I said.

"Sweetheart you need to tell me where you are and I'll call the police," she said.

"No! Dont, I'm fine and I don't need them to keep looking for me," I said calmly.

"Stop talking like you're crazy. You need to come home now, you need your family. I know you're traumatised but you need to realize that you need your family now," she said. What the hell?

"Mom, I'm not traumatised. I'm ok and safe.  Stop worrying about me, I'm almost 18," I said.

"No, you're my daughter and youre still a child! You need me, who told you to tell me all of this? What happened to you?" she yelled.

"No ones telling me shit! I want to stay with him because I love him! I will visit but I know that you won't let me stay with him. I love you so much but you havent really been there lately and now you want to be a mother?" I shot back at her. She gasped on the other end.

"This is all because of a boy? You need to wake up and realize how stupid you sound. You are coming home. Who is this boy?" she said while crying. Well I have to tell her at some point so why not now?

"Well mother dear, since you need to known so badly, 'this boy' has a name. And that name is Jason McCann," I said while smirking. I probably shouldn't have said that. I looked at Jason and his mouth was open wide.

"What?! You need to call the police and tell them where you are now! Im having Steven call the police right now, you need to get out of there now!" She screeched.

"No," I said simply.

"What do you mean no? He will kill you!" She yelled.

"If he wanted to kill me he would have done so by now, besides, I cant leave the father of my child," I said. Jason's eyes widened with shock. I didnt just say that.

"You're insane! What the hell? Sleeping with a criminal? You had a future ahead of you and you throw it away for a cold blooded killer! Youre not my daughter! Forget it, dont come home, die for all I care," she said. Jason heard this and came toward me with anger written all over his face.

"Love you too mommy," I said into the phone and hung up before Jason ripped the phone out of my hand.

"What the fuck was that? We havent even had sex yet!" he said. I laughed and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Dude, chill, she's not gonna want me back home now that I said that," I explained.

"You made her fucking mad! What the hell is wrong with you!?" He yelled.

"Jason, she's gonna stop looking now," I said as I hugged him.

"She knows it was me, she wants me dead," he said.

"And so does the whole country yet here you are," I said.

"True. Hey, we should work on that baby," He said. I pulled away and slapped his arm.

"No! I did that so she would stop, not so you could use it against me," I said.

"Fine," he said while rolling his eyes. We both walked back to the couch and watched tv while cuddling.

Was Jason right?

Did I fuck this situation up by telling her all of that?

Well that was unexpected as fuck. I didnt mean to write that she told her mom that she was preggers. But im not changing it;)

New cover! Do you like??? Made it myself! :)

OMFB I have so many reads, votes, and comments its jot even funny! I didnt expect this! Keep it up guys! Pass this on to your friends and stuff!

So I hope u guys have a great weekend and watch the Super Bowl. I watch it for the commercials and the half-time show so yea...

Goodbye for now!!;*


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