I thought that to survive, lies are necessary.

Grade 5:
My teacher in this grade was absolute crap and I'm being nice here. She didn't give us homework and when she did, nobody did it. She would be crazy about chess because she's the chess club founder. Yeah, she's kinda old too.

She didn't know how to teach or handle students. A student would be sent to the office every day with a piece of a bible in their hands to copy. I mean she ripped a random page and gives it to them like it's a regular book.

Grade 6:
Even with the terrible last year teacher, I did well in this class. But I hated school. I still didn't have any friends so when we did group projects, I work alone. Teachers would say that I needed to make friends or I will get bad marks. But i ignored them. My peers were douches and brats. I didn't want to fit in with that bunch. That would be degrading...

Grade 7:
My first friend ever started teasing me about liking me but I knew that Truth or Dare was a big thing so I would protect myself and call him a douche. Saying he likes me opened old wounds that were sealed after many years.

I regret calling him a douche because he would look at me sadly before nodding and walking away. He kept on coming back and telling me what he said in kindergarten. He even said something that made my heart stop. We were rearranging our desks and the teacher made us sit together.

"You remind me of my first crush. I miss her. She was my first best friend. You look so much like her. I forgot what she acts like now."

I blink. "Oh? Describe what you remember."

"Quiet, smart, kind, beautiful...my best friend. She's asian just like you. She talked just like you. I didn't know I'd have a crush on someone just like her."

I almost bawled right there. But I couldn't in front of all the judging eyes so I said something I still remember. "I don't remember her."

As for other stuff, it was terrible. Especially group work.

People learned about my good grades so when group work popped up, the lazy asses would beg to work with me- the person they ignored for THE WHOLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL YEARS! The teachers would suggest I work with someone but I rejected  them all. I worked alone and I was fine with it. Why? Many reasons.

-I will have a good grade for my own work.
-I will never let anyone ruin my work.
-I will never have to argue with anyone.
-I will never have to erase names.
-The teacher wouldn't have to ask why my 'partner' didn't hand in any work.
-I could do things my way and show others what they missed out on.
-I would never allow myself to be civil with my peers.
Many other reasons...

At the end of the school year, I stood outside while kids played before the bell rings. Everyone was crying and saying their goodbyes. I stood against the wall, glaring at everyone. After the bell rang for the last time during that school year, I waited for someone to say anything to me. Nope! I didn't expect anything from anyone so while everyone was hugging and exchanging phone numbers, I ran off to my car.

Summer went by too quickly.

Grade 8:
That was when school just failed for me. The only thing I was looking forward was the stupid graduation ceremony. It came too slowly!

I started showing my true self in full blast. I showed what I felt about all this.

Everything was the same with my peers but I had a fake friend. Trust me, I knew I couldn't stand her. I can't stand anyone in school but she was my #1 "Run their life" victim. She judged me the most so I became her friend to ditch her at the end.

The teachers were at their worst that year. I got into many exchange of rude words with my teachers. I even wrote in my "School scrapbook" for graduation these things:

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