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I have another book idea. I may never write it but still, let me share it. It's called Strong Spirits and here is a long description!

Hello, you lucky soul who is reading this tale right now. Since you're reading this, I'm going to assume you're still alive? Congratulations! I haven't visited you yet.

When I say this. Hooded, shadowy, scythe, soul and death, what do you think of? Death perhaps? The Grim Reaper maybe? They're both the same being? The same myth?

Oh, you poor mortal. You are so so wrong. Many people mistake Death for the Grim Reaper- me. Death is another group of its own but let's just focus on the Grim Reaper for now. Yes, like any mortal, I just love attention. I don't get it a lot so this is the best opportunity!

Mortals complain about having life treat them oh so badly. Well, if you're one of them, please shut up and look around. I have no regrets saying that for you know, I'm Grim.

Many call me Death, Reaper of Souls, blah blah blah I've heard it all. I sound like a villain in a superhero movie! And yeah, I've had to set a timer for many actors before. May their souls rest in the land of death. Surely, they will be missed for a few centuries.

All the folklore gives me a bad image. Its something mortals love doing. Like, come on authors-I don't go hacking souls from bodies for fun. I don't even do that but it sounds awfully fun.

Now, don't go saying the Grim Reaper is a grown man who pities the mortals he kills because I really don't. I don't kill and I don't pity any body in the coffin.

Everything was going terribly smoothly. I did my everyday search for undated locks in hospitals, schools, supermarkets, anywhere public. Oh, what locks? I forgot to tell.

Mortals have locks on their backs. Now before you go searching for it, it's invisible. Only I can see it so all I have to do is pick a random date, fill the six numbers in and set it in motion.

How wonderful my job is. Too bad I don't get paid and I sometimes have to set a life for a length of a few days. Yep, those ones make me almost want to cry. Almost. Stupid Grim before me!

He was the worst Grim Reaper ever. He's the one who started giving babies and children short lives. He was Grim for about five centuries before the Death Masters killed the Grim Reaper. I know, how terrible it must be. But oh well. I've been Grim for about two thousand years.

I've set dates for babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. I've set dates for ill mortals, strong mortals, businessmen, actors, actresses, farmers, priests...you name it all and I will say "Heck yeah!" Oh, by the way I don't set romantic dates. Well, maybe dates with Death? I guess.

I didn't care about who I set, when I set, why I did or how. Being immortal has some down sides. I'll list them for you mortals and you can stop pitying yourself and start pitying me. Or not it doesn't matter to a soul like me.

But everything changed after two thousand years. Why the Hell? I have no idea.

I was walking behind a man who didn't have a date set yet so I lunged. He turns around and stares me up and down. Now, Grim isn't supposed to be visible to anyone or anything so seeing him staring at me makes me nauseous.

He was so damn cute too! Okay, no more gushing about that angel. He had stormy grey eyes that pierced my soul. So he technically ripped me in half. His brown mop of hair was slicked back as it was raining that day. Water drops trickle down his hair onto his forehead and slides down to fall off his mouth. I'd call that a human slide.

Call me cheesy but this is rare. Time stops and I tapped him on the shoulder to see if he'd move. He did! And man, did that terrify me. I slowly try to reach behind his back to get to the combination lock.

Like lightning, he catches my wrist. "Who are you and why are you following me?" His deep voice rumbled as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

I felt something like a heart beat. I didn't know I had a heart until then. Maybe because it never made it's appearance known I guess.

You see, I'm immortal. People would love to live forever and all that but I sometimes wish I could be resting six feet underground. It's hard to live forever.

I saw my parents die, my lover died and left me with three children who died also. I regret accepting the Death Masters' offer. Because everything I knew died. Everything comes at a cost. My parents didn't know anything about my new life and they still don't. May their souls rest in peace. Same with my wife.

They didn't know I would live beyond average years. They wouldn't have guessed I'd live centuries after they died. They wouldn't have guessed I'd live a long, lonely life. They didn't know I won't be seeing them in the Realm of the Dead.

I've witnessed horrific wars, massacres, genocides and murders. I've witnessed weddings, the birth of a child and romantic dates. I have a war zone in my mind, a date with Death that never arrived. And never will it.

I wouldn't have guessed that I'd fall in love for the second time. Or with the same sex. Not to mention the world I work in hate homosexuals. At this time period anyway.

I didn't think he would return my feelings. I didn't think he'd like to hide his sexual orientation. I didn't think he'd be the one.

The one to feel me after years of being untouched. To be the one to start my heart up again. To date an immortal who sets up dates with Death.

You see, he would die. And I'd be alone again. I feared it because I think I would mentally die after that. But this guy is different.

I don't know how but he managed to be like me: to become a Grim. To follow me wherever I go. I didn't know anything. 

Life is tricky. So is death.

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