Chapter 15

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Zayn is standing in front of the mirror while Harry is smoothing his clothes for him. He is wearing a white shirt and black jeans with a black leather jacket.

"Umm so hot today." Harry smiles and buttons up Zayn's shirt, leaving the top three buttons undone, revealing his wings and lips tattoos.

"Is there a day I'm not hot?" Zayn smirks and winks at harry.

Harry blushes. "Okay, you've got a point."

Zayn puts his hands on Harry's bum and squeezes it, making Harry wince. Last night he was really rough and fucked Harry really good. Yeah, he kept his word, Harry is limping today. And he has to wear a scarf because he doesn't know how to explain to his 4 year old nephew why he has red marks all over his neck.

Zayn smirks when he sees Harry wince. "Babe, how about I take the day off and have more fun with you at home today." He squeezes Harry's bum a little harder to emphasize his words.

Harry squeals, slapping Zayn's hands away, "No, You horny bastard! Go to work now." and pushes Zayn to the door.

Zayn turns around and pouts his lips. "One last kiss, and I'm going."

Harry rolls his eyes, leaning in to give Zayn a passionate kiss.


"Uncle!" Kevin yells and runs to Harry when he spots him at the door way.

"Kevin!" Harry smiles, squatting and hugs Kevin. They're at the Starbucks near his house.

He carries Kevin to where Gemma is sitting. "Did you miss me, my darling nephew?" He says in a baby voice.

"Yeees! I missed you uncle H." Kevin giggles.

"Then give your dear uncle a kiss."

Kevin gives Harry a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

Harry smiles and puts Kevin down. He winces a little while sitting down, and of course Gemma noticed it.

"Tough night?" Gemma gives him a knowing look.

Harry blushes and clears his throat. "Did you order black coffee for me?"

"No." Gemma shrugs, "Why are you wearing a scarf?"

"Yes, why?" Kevin curiously asks.

Harry glares at Gemma and gives a tight lipped smile. "Because it's pretty don't you think, little K?"

Kevin nods and smiles brightly. "Yes, it looks pretty on you uncle H."

Harry smiles at his nephew fondly. "Thanks, little K."

Gemma snickers, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, baby brother. And I have ordered you black coffee."

After the waitress brings their drinks, Harry takes a sip of his black coffee and asks, "What's your plan for today?"

"Probably going some places for a visit." Gemma shrugs.


Zayn walks into the bar, Niall and Liam are already sitting in a booth.

"Hey bro!" Liam gives him a brotherly hug.

"Hey mate!" Niall cheers and hugs him tightly.

Zayn greets back and sits beside them.

"So how have you been?" Liam asks.

"Well, Harry and I are doing really well. I found my parents not long ago and now I'm a Mafia boss, which you already know." Zayn shrugs and takes a sip of his drink which Niall had ordered for him earlier. "What about you guys? Why did you decide to move to London? Aren't you guys still in college?"

"Well, you see, I finished my college early, and Niall dropped out of college because he wants to stay with his girlfriend here." Liam and Niall went to the same college in Manchester, while Zayn moved to London. Yeah, long distance. That's why they couldn't get in touch more often. They really have a lot to catching up to do.

"Hey, I'm not the only one who decided to move here because I have a lover. Liam, too, moved here because he wants to stay with his boyfriend!" Niall defends himself, "And well, college is boring."

Zayn fakes hurt, "I thought you lads decided to move because you missed me!"

"Oi, drop it. Drama queen!" Niall snorts.

"Well, that's my best friend." Zayn says sarcastically.

"But really, we missed you bro." Liam sincerely says and puts his hand on Zayn's shoulder.

Niall nods in agreement, "Yes, mate." and hugs Zayn again.

Zayn smiles, he really missed his best friends.

He takes a shot of his vodka and then suddenly realization hits him, making him choke.

"You ok, man?" Niall asks.

Zayn coughs, "Y-You said Liam has a boyfriend?"


"Oh man! I didn't know you swing that way!" Zayn raises his brow at Liam who now has a little blush on his face.

"W-Well," Liam scratches his head, "I-I didn't know either, until I met Josh."

"Hmm I see. But anyway, congratulations to you guys for finally finding your love." Zayn gives them a genuine smile. He is really happy that his friends found their love, just like him and Harry. And what a great couple they are, Zayn smirks at the thought.

Niall smiles at his phone like a madman, making Zayn roll his eyes. "What's up, love bird?"

Finally, Zayn gets to tease them for being love-struck, after being teased by them in high school a lot of times.

"Well, Lisa, you know my girlfriend, is gonna be here soon. I can introduce you to her." Niall can't stop smiling, his eyes lighting up at the thought of introducing his girlfriend to his best friend. "She's a really cool girl."

"And Josh is coming here too with Justin." Liam chimes.

"I thought this was a lads' night for three of us to catch up!" Zayn whines.

"Well, you can tell Harry to come here too. We miss him." Liam shrugs.

Zayn shakes his head and sighs, "Nah, he's with his sister and nephew."

"And why is Justin coming?" Zayn asks.

"He and Josh are friends, so..." Liam shrugs, drinking his vodka.

"They're here!" Niall shouts, getting Zayn and Liam's attention.

Justin walks towards them, he is in a white t-shirt and skinny jeans, he looks really good but he's not Zayn's type, sorry. To his left is a brunette with long wavy hair, she is pretty. And, to his right is a handsome man who is wearing a beanie.

When they finally reach the booth, Niall immediately kisses his girlfriend and introduces her to Zayn. She is indeed a pretty cool girl.

Liam introduces his boyfriend to Zayn too, and Zayn has to say that the Liam and Josh really look cute together.

After a while of talking and drinking, the two couples decide to dance, leaving Zayn and Justin alone in the booth.

"Do you want to try some?" Justin takes out a joint and lights it up.

Zayn shrugs, "Why not"

Justin hands him the joint. He takes it without hesitation and takes a long drag.

"We haven't seen each other in a year." Justin says. "You're still hot."

Zayn laughs, taking a puff. "I know. I've been told this every day."

"Well, take a drink, it will feel amazing with the joint." Justin suggests and gives the drink to Zayn.

Zayn drinks it.

Minutes later, his head starts spinning and his vision gets bulrred.

"We can have some fun now." Justin whispers to him.

That's the last thing he remembers that night.


Hope you have a good day 💚💛

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