Chapter 4

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Zayn decided to go to the meeting afterall.

When Zayn told Harry what his father said that day, Harry insisted on coming with Zayn since he was worried that something bad might happen to Zayn at the meeting. Zayn was worried about Harry's safety too, but Harry said that Zayn would be there to protect him and well, he has a point.

So here they are, in the Malik mansion.

Before they could go in the meeting room, a woman in Chanel black skirt and red high heels stop them.

"A-Are you Zayn?" The woman has delicate expression on her face.

Zayn is confused but he nods his head.

"Oh my god, my boy!" The woman pulls Zayn into a tight hug. "I'm your mother."

Zayn is shocked, and so is Harry.

He hesitates to hug back.

After a while, she pulls away from the hug.

He looks at the woman. "M-Mother?"

The word sounds so strange, coming out of his mouth. He has never called someone "mother" in the entire 19 years of his life.

"Yes, my baby." The woman is crying now. "We've been looking for you all these years. After I left you at the front door of a house, I couldn't remember which house it was since we were running from our enemy."

Zayn is speechless, he doesn't know what to say. Harry's speechless too.

Thankfully, Yaser interrupts the moment.

"The meeting's about to start."

They enter the meeting room. There are about 13 people in the room, sitting on the chairs at the big table.

Zayn takes a seat beside his uncle, Taser. Harry sits beside Zayn.

The meeting starts with discussion about their business which includes drug dealing, gambling houses, etc.

Zayn and Harry feel so out of place. Of course they don't fit in. They are good people, not some criminals!

Zayn feels Harry getting nervous and fidgety. So he puts his hand on Harry's thigh, slightly rubbing it to comfort him the best way he could, given the situation.

"Before the meeting is over, I want to introduce you to my only son, Zayn Malik." Yaser's voice is full of power and authority.

Zayn's head turns to Yaser when he hears his name. Yaser smiles and nods at him.

Light whispers soon fill the room.

"Your boy is so handsome. My daughter, Gigi will accept the marriage arrangement, Yaser, she will agree to marry your son. I think we will make a powerful family!" A man yells.

"I think so too, Mohamed." Yaser chuckles.

"What the fuck does that mean? What arranged marriage?" Zayn yells angrily. His voice burst upon the room, making every one shut their mouth and look at him. Yes, he's that angry.

"Well son, you see, since you are a Malik, you have certain responsibilities towards our family. Your mother and I have arranged your marriage with the daughter of Hadid family. You will soon be married to Gigi Hadid." Yaser says.

"I'm in a relationship with Harry. I will never marry that girl, whoever she is." Zayn says in a firm voice as he squeezes Harry's hand slightly, making Harry feel warm inside.

"He's just a phase, son. You will get over him soon. And besides, he's a pervert who seduced you into doing things with him, he's like a pedophile." Yaser snorts.

Every word that comes out of Yaser's mouth feels like a stab to Harry's heart. He feels humiliated, his face is hot and red with embarrassment. He doesn't know when tears started running down his face, he doesn't even realize that he is crying.

"S-Sorry, I-I'm le-leaving." He sobs out and stands up, but before he could leave, Zayn grabs his arm tightly.

"L-Let me go, Z-Zayn." Harry tries to pull his hand out of Zayn's hold, but no use.

"No." Zayn says firmly, and pulls Harry on his lap.

"Let m-me g-go." Harry struggles in Zayn's tight hold, but Zayn holds him tighter.

"Shh babe, I will never let you go, you know that." Zayn kisses Harry's tears away, whispering, "Now hush, and let me deal with these fuckers. Then we'll go home, yeah?"

Harry has no choice but to nod. He buries his face at the crook of Zayn's neck, not wanting anyone to see him.

Zayn kisses Harry's head and then glares at Yaser. Zayn's facial expression is intimidating, his eyes seeing red.

"Fuck you! Don't ever talk about my baby that way, you fucking criminal! If you ever make him cry again, I will end your pathetic life! I don't care if you're a Mafia boss or some shit like that, or worse my fucking biological father. You better apologize to my baby properly. I'm your only son. You want me to take care the family business? You better do what I say!" Zayn growls, voice full of rage and power.

"And for your information, I'm the one who chased after Harry. I'm the one who was obsessed with him. I'm the one who forced him to be in a relationship with me. So he is not what you say he is, not in the slightest!" He spat bitterly at Yaser.

He stands up, carrying Harry, and exits the meeting room.

Harry doesn't know why but he feels safe in Zayn's arms; it feels like home.

"Zaynie, you are so hot when you protect me." he giggles in Zayn's neck.

Zayn chuckles, "That means I'm always hot in your eyes."

"Arrogance is not good for you Zaynie boy." Harry smiles, shaking his head.

"You are good for me though." Zayn smirks.

"Ahh you're making me blush again!" Harry buries his head in Zayn's chest.

Zayn laughs at his baby's cuteness.


The meeting room is filled with silence, even after Zayn and Harry leave. They are still in shock from Zayn's words and his intimidating presence.

"That boy sure is a Malik." Taser teases his brother, breaking the silence.

"Definitely." Yaser snorts, wincing when he remembers something. "But there's a problem. Zayn needs an heir to continue the Malik bloodline."

"Maybe I can convince Harry." Trisha smirks.

"That's my wife, always knows what to do." Yaser compliments her.


Hope you have a good day 💛💚

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