Chapter Ten

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Maya's Point of view

« Niall » I murmurred, trying to be as discrete at possible.  « We've been spotted. » 

« You know what that means, right? » he asked, looking at me with a regretful look on his face. I nodded and we started heading to my house, because it was closer to where we were than his, slowly at first but as the number of fans grew, we started going faster and faster until we were finally running as fast as we could. Luckily we got there in less that ten minutes but I couldn't help but feel angry at the fans for ruining our perfect moment. We were taking a walk on the park and just talking, it was the simplest activity ever and yet it managed to get super complicated. Niall seemed to sense something was wrong, as he turned to me while I was closing the door and looked at me with a worried expression. 

« Are you okay? » 

« Yeah. » I lied, managing to smile. 

« No you're not. » he replied, not fooled at all. « Tell me what's wrong? » 

« It's nothing important, really. Let it go please. » 

« But I wanna know! Is it because of me? » he asked, suddenly worried. 

« What? No! This isn't your fault at all. » 

I sighed and waited for a few minutes then finally decided to tell him, seeing as he obviously wasn't going to let it go and was still staring at me with an insisting look. 

« I just wish I could go for a simple walk with you without always being watched and sometimes even followed by hundreds of screaming girls. But I guess that's not something we can fix and thinking that way makes me an ungrateful person. I mean .. I get to spend time with you and all these girls would kill for that chance. » 

« You're not ungrateful, Maya. And .. I'm sorry. » 

« What ? Why are you apologizing? » I asked, more confused than I had ever been in my life. Was he apologizing for something that was absolutely not his fault? That was so adorable. Did this boy even have any flaw? Because so far, I haven't found him any. 

I was snapped out of my toughts by my brother Justin's arrival into the lobby, quickly followed by Liam, who had spent the day here. Apparently there was some new game that had been released a few days ago and they were both very fond of that game so Liam was supposed to stay over tonight .. supposedly for the game. Yeah, right, Justin was the only one not noticing that he was being used. 

« Trouble in paradise already? What's going on with you two? » 

« Shut up, Justin! » I snapped at him. 

« We just got ran after by some fans. A lot of fans. » Niall explained as Liam gave him a sorry look. I suddenly felt really stupid for making such a big deal out of this. I mean this is probably very usual for them, and if it annoys me, I can't even imagine how it must be ten times worse for them. 

« Knowing you, you probably .. » Justin started but stopped after I glared at him as scarily as I could. 

« Don't interfere with other people's business, Jus-Jus. » 

Niall and Liam turned to me and it only took them a few seconds to burst out laughing. Oh lord, what was it this time? I rolled my eyes and waited for them to calm down and explain, but Justin's glare made me realize why they were laughing. The nickname. I had called him Jus-Jus, which he hated because it was such a ridiculous nickname, in front of Liam and Niall. It wouldn't have bothered him if they had been strangers but eeing as they got along very well, they would probably stay friends for a long time and I could guess this nickname would be mentionned quite a few times in the future. It didn't take me very long to join them and start laughing as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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