Chapter 1: New Opportunities

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Ninjas and Huntresses: Rangers in Remnant

DISCLAIMER: RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth, while Power Rangers Ninja Steel is owned by Saban Brands

A/N~ I just love crossovers! And once a show starts to gain my interest, promising ideas start emerging for fateful meetings between heroes or villains.

So here I am, with my first RWBY fanfic. However, I'm still kind of new to the lore of RWBY, even after watching all the volumes thus far. I have chosen to do a crossover to compensate for the developing understanding of the story. And I chose the one other show to complete the crossover; one that I'm very comfortable with.

As you might notice that I'm also writing a Power Rangers story, so that show had to be one of the right choices. For this, I also decided to write about the recent season, Ninja Steel, which is still awaiting the end of its usual hiatus to continue. Hope it'd be enjoyable enough for readers!

So the timelines taking place in this story would be right after Episode 8 of Ninja Steel and in between Volumes Two and Three of RWBY.


Chapter 1: New Opportunities


It was never anticipated to be this way for him.

A lone and enraged champion; a titanic warrior of pride and fame was ever so furious, watching a screen in the comfort of his throne, joined by several blue armoured minions with metal conical helmets. He who was clad with spiky armour enriched with the toughest golden steel he could find was about to destroy something to calm down, but for now, nothing could easily contain the outrage he had suffered recently.

The anger expressed, the temper thrown. All for a game show.

But it was not just any game show, simply not one for the warrior to watch. It was his show. A competition between gladiators from all corners of the universe.

He owned the competition as he was reigning champion over thousands of others waiting to climb up the ladder and challenge him to claim the rightful place as the universe's ultimate fighter.

He would always bring home a special show for his fans from across the universe, with a fresh set of contestants, eager to face off and destroy one another for the satisfaction of millions. Carnage and chaos was almost always certain, and all of that

Unfortunately, this time, there was almost destructive disappointment as the warrior was starting to lose his touch. No, he was not talking about himself. He was somewhat conserving his own strength as the show went on, or so he claimed.

It was his own show that was beginning to fall. Ratings were everything to the Champion. The show's popularity was what determined his power. However, this was starting to become something of a glaring weakness for the Champion.

Some under his wing began to fear that the fame and praise would start to affect the Champion's own strengths. They feared that the time he had spent looking for the worthy opponent for the masses to be in awe for had taken a massive toll in his ability to fight, his fear and most importantly, his own confidence.

The Champion was seated down, fists thrown all over and eventually slamming onto both of the arm rests on his chair. Panting profusely from his tense temper tantrum, he watched the screen where a team of warriors with helmets built visors covering their heads, and in suits stylized like the ancient ninja warriors of old Earth tales. There were six warriors of different sorts of colours; red, blue, yellow, pink, white and gold. Five of them, except for the gold one, armed with yellow swords while the aforementioned gold warrior had a silver and gold sword with a star-shaped hilt as his weapon. The team was seen distancing themselves away from a furious fireball, walking proudly while some spun or twirled their blades around, as if they had defeated a great foe.

Ninjas and Huntresses: Rangers in Remnant (A RWBY x Power Rangers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now