Chapter 4: Through the Dimensions Part 4

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Warrior Dome


A loud echoing chorus of cheer rocked the game show stage in the Warrior Dome. The mixture of excited and impatient roars of the spectators fuelled another episode of 'Galaxy Warriors' to extreme enjoyment status.

Taking the stage once more was Cosmo Royale, grabbing his microphone while prancing around entertaining the crowd with his hosting skills, though most of the crowd was more focused on the battles instead of Cosmo's big mouth.

"Once again, folks! A contestant is being pulled out of battle!" At least he was able to bring the crowd together, even if it wasn't enough. "Oohh. He ain't going to like that."

At the look at his wrist watch, he caught on that it was time to call it a day and settled off. At least today did not end in a total failure. He only hoped it would have been better though.

"Stay tuned as we find out what shall be next in our Extra Special Edition of Galaxy Warriors! Interdimensional Battle Extravaganza!!!"

And just like that, the curtains were closed, leaving behind the crowd to roar even more.

Behind the curtains, Cosmo Royale picked up his cane and walked funnily towards backstage, passing through some of the lesser Kudabots who were assigned to do more harmless, but completely unsatisfying jobs as clean-up duty, sweeping up any confetti left behind by the show of the day.

As he made his way into the corridor, he hoped to meet Galvanax, discussing with him on what was the next course of action. What kind of new misadventures would the contestants go through next? And more importantly, at least for Cosmo, would the ratings go up?

The sight of a lone human girl fighting Toma Bomba earlier could actually help. The way she fought was probably unlike anything the spectators have ever seen before; their cheers louder than ever. Also, it would have been no surprise that she was doing all of this unmorphed that helped boost the ratings up. Not even the Rangers could provide such a stunt-filled show like this. This had to go on!

Alas, Cosmo walked to the end of the room and into another; into Galvanax's throne room.

There he found the proud and powerful gladiator supreme, sitting atop his throne. Galvanax sat silently, watching the previous battle with both interest and disgust. He always loathed a human gaining ground against one of his contestants, and if this kept up, it could spell disaster to his own show, despite the massive excitement this lone human incited to the crowd.

Even if the show was about to get the views it would need, Galvanax had to face the facts. He had to do something about this recent development if he was going to obtain the power that laid within.

"Sir!" He was suddenly interrupted by the uncalled for call of his show's host, who came waddling over with a completely literally new face of worry after he spun his head from his trademark happy face. "Why did we decide to withdraw Toma Bomba away from the battle? The crowd was getting so pumped up!"

All Galvanax could give the babbling goblin was a growl of discontent, shutting Cosmo up.

"If you must know, Cosmo, that witch Madame Odius decided to hold some secret meeting with our 'new allies'. Some rambunctious group of human children who claim to have goals that align with ours. Therefore, I had to cut the battle short." Disgruntled by the forced cancellation of the action, the champion moved on, heading for the very witch who promised a probable outcome to this alliance. "She better have great news, for her sake."

Right on time, the soothsayer had arrived with Ripcon at her side, coming to report on her mission to Galvanax.

The boss was as cross as ever, having fed up of the lack of information Odius was keeping from him. He stomped towards Odius, staring at her with his beaming red eyes. The witch could not do anything to stand strong against such a gaze of violent power. Just bow down and address the master. That was all she could do.

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