Chapter 6: Ranger and Huntress: Red Like Roses

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It was time to turn up the heat!


I spun the Power Star on my blade and gave my sword a massive energy charge. I set my sights on Ripcon, the one guy I really want to mess up. A ninja shows little pride in their rivalries against their enemies, but for Ripcon, I'd be happy to thrash my weight and blade around him.

"Wait, you!" I stayed my course, ignoring the scythe-wielding girl I had just met only a minute ago. Just a moment ago, I think she was about to rant at me about stopping her from fighting or something, but I didn't pay any attention, focusing on fighting Ripcon and the other monster next to him.

My body rushed forward and made contact with the annoying piece of garbage I'd been forced to work under for a decade. I instantly locked blades with his own two swords, resuming our little competition. I knocked his blade away and tried to swipe him in the face, but he managed to swing his left blade to defend himself from my attack. He then moved to slash his weapons at me, forcing me to move out of the way by flipping back. I went at him again, swinging in a couple of kicks with both of my legs one by one, smacking him at the shoulder which sent him thrown back.

"Why, you little-?!" I always enjoyed interrupting Ripcon when he did his smack talk; this time, I managed to punch him right in the face before he could finish the sentence. It wasn't enough, but the sudden silencing was worth the hit. I tried to use my Star Blade to strike his chest, swinging as hard as I could. Then, Ripcon blocked the attack with one sword before lunging the other at me, cancelling my double strike.



The nerve of that punk! How dare he defy my demands?!

Ugh... No use for some speech. I had to get into the action as well. This was my world to defend, and I wasn't going to let some unknown guy in a suit have all the fun doing it! I had my Crescent Rose scythed up... ahem... and ready to rumble with the other monster. He was my quarry.

"So it's just you and me, huh?!" The big fat monster screamed like some tough guy at me. If I had the time, I would have rolled my eyes from the annoyance. I was already about to smash his face with Crescent Rose by swinging it towards him. When he blocked the attack, I quickly spun the other way to attack his legs. I did hit the legs, but somehow they seemed to have been able to withstand my strike.

"Nice try, girly!" he taunted me again while I kept on failing to hurt him with a few more strikes. "But I came prepared. Your little scythe is worthless now!" Sounded like he had been given some upgrades to fight me when he came back here. I had to be very careful now. If he had his armour upgraded, then his weapons might had been to.

So, I jumped away from him, just in case he was about to fire his lasers at me. I transformed my weapon to rifle mode and fired on him with more AP bullets. Letting lose a bullet every second, I aimed for the head, remembering his weak point.

He managed to block his head, like he did last time, the bullets flew away in different directions. The moment I landed on the ground, I got my scythe on and rumbled on some more, trying to deal enough pain to find another angle.

I swung my weapon here, and I stabbed him there, but all of my attacks just couldn't faze that monster! His armour was tougher than the Paladins I fought during the Breach. He sure was deadlier, too. With two lasers built in his arms and a tough punch if you're not careful, I don't think anyone would be lucky to get out of a scuffle with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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