Chapter 2: Evil Rising

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A/N~ Okay! Time for a new chapter! Let's kick this off with a Yang!

I'm not really sure HOW LONG it had been in between RWBY Volume 2 and 3, but I'm going to make this story set one month after the events of Volume 2, assuming that the Vytal Festival began before then.

One Month Later...

Night came with a blanket of darkness shadowing all over the city of Vale. The streets that was once bustling with people here and there were emptied with only a few pedestrians roaming around the sidewalks, possibly on their way home for the night. The shop houses all shut down and closed up, save for a few late night exceptions to allow night-time visitors a chance to spend a few Lein before they hit their beds.

The alleyways were completely dark and quiet, only a few squeaks of nearby rats could be heard. The silence was soon broken with the sounds of tapping footsteps coming from the alley itself.

A lone stranger, backed by two more accomplices, walked deep into the shady and quiet backways of the buildings. One of them, a girl with mint green-coloured hair wearing a white top over a green undershirt, could smell the wretched stench of garbage in the air, causing her face to cringe along with her twitching nose. She waved her hand on her nose to relieve herself of the terrible smell.

The man with grey hair pinched his own nose, also being repulsed by the pungent scent in the air.

"Ergh..." The girl groaned. "Remind me why we came to this part of town again."

"What's wrong, Emerald? You're not being put off by a simple stench are you?" The man retorted at her jokingly. All he got was a nice whack to the back of his head by the disgruntled girl.

The woman in front of them, who had long messy black hair and a red dress, did not pay any attention to the scuffle between the two. She held a sort of scanner device and was swaying it around and around, looking for something in the area.

Once she walked in, a dot on the radar screen kept blinking in a steady pace. Suddenly, the deeper she went, the faster the blinking went. Eventually, the blipping dot flashed on and off at such rapid speed, she knew she was in the right place.

"Ah... There you are." The woman dropped the device down and looked upon where the object could be. Everyone's eyes pointed straight at the same direction and there they found what they were looking for.

They came across a wide back alleyway, where there was nothing but piles of trash and rubbish and dumpsters and a lone streetlight shining what little light it could in the immensely dark area.

Quietly approaching, they could see a weird humanoid creature, standing upright. What perplexed them, at least the two younger associates at the back were, was that the creature wore what looked like a yellow dress and had a head that featured something like a white mask.

"What the heck is that?" asked Emerald. "That a Grimm?"

"Since when do Grimm wear clothes?" countered Mercury, the grey-haired guy.

"But it has a white head with those red markings on 'em."

"And... a smile...?"

Emerald was about to add up to her defence, but seeing that there was no other way to compare the creature with some other beast from far away, she gave up quite fast.

"Okay, maybe it's not a Grimm."

"Shut up, you two." The front woman silenced the duo, continuing to look further into the mysterious being lurking in the shadows. They made their move, stepping quietly towards the strange creature.

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