"Reynolds and some others," Alex said. Lafayette had mentioned James Reynolds, but he had also mentioned that he wasn't alone.

Thomas was out the door as soon as he heard the name, Reynolds.

No one was allowed to hurt Lafayette.

It didn't take him long to find Reynolds; he usually hung out at the college bar.

As soon as he entered the place, he saw James Reynolds sitting in a booth with the supposed some others.

"Reynolds, can I have a word?"

Thomas tried to conceal the rage, tried not to beat the living daylight out of him right that moment; he was a good actor.

Reynolds, obviously either oblivious to the fact that Thomas was Lafayette's brother, or just plain stupid, stood up calmly, refraining from the laughing fit he seemed to be having as Thomas had entered.

"Sure Jeffs, what is it?"

Jeffs, he hated that nickname. But instead of punching him in the jaw right there and then, he took advantage of the oblivious man.

"Can I show you something outside?"

He asked as calmly as he possibly could. He must have pulled it off as Reynolds only shrugged and followed him to behind the bar. How stupid could a person be?

Jefferson had nothing in particular against James Reynolds before then, they'd met at parties a few times, and they were partners on a project once. But now, he didn't care who he was. He cared that someone hurt his brother and that he wasn't there to help.

Thomas was beyond furious; it would never be okay to hurt Lafayette, not ever and not now.

You hurt Thomas, and he would raise his fists, but you hurt someone he loved, and it was war

You came for them; he stood in the way. You taunted, threatened or came near Lafayette, Jefferson would demolish you.

He would show you every ounce of his power. Should his hands break, he would beat you with his broken bones until you were nothing but dust.


Thomas's rage had calmed when all of a sudden he noticed his fists were bloody and aching.

Reynolds was still conscious and looked up at him; terrified.

"I'll...I'll call the cops on you." He said, trying to breathe but Thomas' hand covered his throat.

Thomas slowly released his grip. It all happened so fast he barely remembered it.

He stood up and stared down at the man he had apparently just beaten up.

"If you ever come close to my brother again I will end you."

James' face showed that he now understood the reason behind Thomas' actions. He should have noticed; the brothers looked pretty alike. But then again, he was very drunk.

"L-look man, I'm sorry 'bout your brother. Y-you, don't call the cops on me 'n I won't call the cops on you a-alright?"

Thomas nodded slowly and put his hand out for Reynolds who hesitantly took it and stood up. He was beaten up pretty bad, was sure to get a black eye at least and some bruises.

"This never happened," James said before walking away, leaving Thomas alone with his conscious.

When he got back to his dorm, there was no one there. He wasn't sure how long he'd been out, maybe twenty to thirty minutes.

Jefferson went into the bathroom and washed his hands. He looked at his face to see that there was no sign of injury on it; although his cheekbone hurt like hell, it would probably bruise. Believe it or not, Reynolds barely fought back, only punching him once. Thomas calmed himself down before heading over to his brother's dorm.


He opened the door without bothering to knock to see Madison and Hamilton, the unlikely friends sitting beside his brother.

Lafayette looked awful. Way worse than Reynolds did. Maybe he should go back there and beat him up a little more.

His brother's left eye was swollen and bruised. He had visible tear stains on his cheeks, and he looked so lost.

In that moment, Thomas realised that beating up Reynolds wouldn't make Lafayette feel better.

He had never hurt a soul; he must have been so scared.

Lafayette looked up at his brother and all of a sudden all rage swirling inside Thomas disappeared.

"T-Thomas..." Lafayette started but didn't get to finish as his brother practically crashed into him, carefully though to make sure he wouldn't hurt him any more than he already was.

Thomas wrapped his brother in a warm swaddle of his chest and arms. Lafayette didn't want to leave. It felt as if when he was in his brother's arms, all the pain went away.

If only Thomas could keep his brother in his arms forever, safe from the world's harmful people. One could only hope.

Lafayette should have been Thomas' top priority; he should have gone straight to him before going to beat up Reynolds. It didn't change anything.

No one was allowed to hurt Lafayette.

1272 words

this isn't that sad ,right?

I hope it's okay.


my updates will now be regularly on mondays and thursdays AND BECAUSE I LOVE YOUU every other week on saturdays or sundays. I'd post more often but you know, school.

also, want to apologize for my english as it's obviously not my first language it's probably pretty bad but I try my best.


A tale of two brothers; jamilton&mulletteWhere stories live. Discover now