Season 2: Chapter 40: The Vacation: Part 3: The Incident

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You and Frisk walked over to the diving board. You and Frisk looked at each other.

"Who's going first?" You both said at the same time.

You both got a little red. That had never happened to you two before. You offered to play a game of rock, paper, scissors. You both believed that the water is cold and want to avoid going in first.

She agreed to the game.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!"

Frisk threw a rock and you threw paper. She groaned in defeat and went over to the diving board. She was going to go up, but she stopped and turned around.

You walked close to her so see what was wrong. But, she pushed up into the pool. To your, not, surprise, it was extremely cold.

"FRISK!" You yelled as she laughed.

"Sorry... it was just too perfect of an opportunity." She laughed some more.

You only sighed. "Next time not sexy time for you..."

That got her attention. "What! Nononono! Sorry........"

You couldn't help but laugh your ass off at that. She took it so seriously too.

You were shivering, the cold water was getting to you. Frisk had decided to sit on the edge and put her feet over the edge into the water. Big. Mistake.

You went underwater so Frisk couldn't see you. You swam underneath where her legs were. You quickly swam up and grabbed her legs. She gasped as you pulled her in. She yelped because of the cold water and repeatedly slapped you in the arm. You were to busy laughing to notice.

"Sorry! The opportunity was just to perfect to pass up." You laughed and she groaned.

Papyrus swam over to you two. He had a ball with him.


You nodded at Papyrus and Frisk wasn't really into playing that game. So she decided not to play. You were on Papyrus's team and you were against Sans and Toriel.

Papyrus served first. It went clean over the net. Sans hit it back over to your side. You hit it back over. Toriel tried to hit it but failed giving your team a point.

The game continued for about a good hour before your wife came back. She was being really weird too.

"Go Y/N go!" She yelled and did a weird dance which embarrassed you. You got a little red. You were distracted so when Sans hit the ball over it gave them a point.

You shot a glare at Frisk. She only giggled and continued to do that. She eventually brought out little pom pins and waved them around as well. To be honest it was quite funny and made you laugh as well.

Soon you and Papyrus had won the game. Sans was happy that his brother was happy. Toriel decided to take a break from the pool and go sit with Asgore.

You got out of the pool as well. You saw Gaster. He was sitting on a beach chair by the pool. You liked to call him dadster. You thought it was funny that Sans calls him that and used to call him that.

Plus Gaster is quite the comedy man. He's very humorous. You remember the one time that Gaster was with Sans and Papyrus. They wanted him to play hide and seek with them.

Papyrus told him how to play and said to cover his eyes with his hands. Sans also said that. Gaster did what they said and covered his eyes with his hands. Sans and Papyrus were very confident he wouldn't find them. But... Gaster had holes in his hands. He could see them. "Lol this is so easy." He said.

Souls in Love (Female! Frisk x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now