"Same as you. What did she tell you to bring you here?" I say with a sigh at the end.

"She just said that she wanted to have a girls day out and then--" Before she can finish explaining, I finish her sentence instead,

"She gave you her famous puppy dog eyes?"

"Yeah. I'm guessing by your answer, she did the same thing to you?" I reply back to her with a nod. "Do you know why she did this?"

"Yeah I do and before I tell you, I promise I had nothing to do with this." She nods for me to continue, "She wanted us to go on date."

"Is this a common thing she does in your life?"

"Yup." I say popping the 'p'.

"So do you wanna cancel or do something?" She asks and I don't why, but my heart started to beat for a moment but I decided to let the fact slide.

"Well my mom probably made you ruin your plans for today, so why don't we spend the day together?" I ask and I see a smile reach Saige's face.

"Sure, but before we do that I have some errands I have to run."

"Alright, let's go.

thirty five minutes later

We already headed to the dry cleaners, bought some groceries and now are at the café where she worked at before she started working for me. I thought girls would take longer, but I'm shocked at how little time she took. Then again, the only reason I thought that way was because of my mom.

As we wait for the line to move, Saige asks, "So, what do you want to order?"

"Well, the last time I came here, I did enjoy the coffee cake."

"Alright so a slice of coffee cake and black coffee?" She replies back exactly what I wanted and I nod back. "Why don't you go find us a seat and I order, cause I don't think you want to hear my conversation with my old boss." She said and I replied back with an 'ok' and then headed to a seat in the corner.

As I waited for Saige to bring the orders, I watched her head the back with a middle aged lady while talking along the way. As I waited for her to come back, I didn't know why, but I had the sudden urge to look at the front door. "I hate my life." How did she know where I was? How many times am I gonna have a tracker stuck on me? As she walks up to me, Sarah says in her high pitched voice,

"Hi Nate! I didn't expect to see you here?!"

"Hi Sarah, how did you guess I'd be here? You never go come to places like these." I say through gritted teeth.

"Weeellll, I went over to your house to see youu but, when I didn't find you and found your brother instead......" Oh he is so getting yelled at by me...and by mom. Wait a minute, how'd he get the keys to my house?

"Anyways, shouldn't you be heading home now?" Before she can reply back, Saige comes back to the table.

"Hey, sorry it took so lo--" She says but then stops herself when she sees Sarah next to me. And before I can try to fix anything, I grab the first thing I can grasp and drink it.

"Hii I'm Sarah, Nate's girlfriend." As soon as I heard 'girlfriend', I spit out whatever I had just put in my mouth and without thinking I say out loud,

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