Chapter 43: Sticky Nervous Love

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I woke up to a ray of sunshine on my face
It felt warm I smiled
I went to get up but I felt strong arms hold on to me not letting me out of his grip
He groaned
"Justin" I whispered
He moaned "mmm?"
"Let go" I chuckled
"No stay, I don't want you to leave"
His grip got tighter and he pulled me in closer to him if that was possible
I sighed and laid back down
I waited a few more minutes and every time I tried to get up his grip got tighter
Dang it Justin!
I waited about to more seconds until I heard him lightly snoring
I slowly grabbed his arm and pulled it off of me
I laid it next to him and slowly got off the bed tiptoeing towards the door
I went to close it behind me but I stopped and saw his angeletic face
I smiled
He's so cute
I quickly headed downstairs and went into the kitchen
I got out a pan with butter,flour, milk, a bowl a fork eggs and bacon
I added the ingredients together and put the pancake mix on the pan
I flipped them and put them on a plate when they were ready and started to cook the eggs as bacon
I hope he likes this

I felt my side on the bed and there was no one there
I immediately sat up straight
I looked around and she wasn't anywhere in sight
I sighed and rubbed my eyes I got out of bed and smelled something so delicious
My eyes lit up with joy
I stepped out of the room and went down the steps
I saw her
She is so gorgeous
Her hair was in a messy bun and she was focused on making what I'm guessing was eggs
She had flour on her cheek and on her clothes she was so cute
I chuckled and she looked up and smiled
"Good morning" she chirped
"Good morning" I said groggily
I sat on the stool in front of her
"Still tired?" she teased
I nodded and tiredly put my head down

I saw him come down stairs and god he looked so sexy
I bit my lip as I saw his abbs as he wore only his Hanes boxers
His hair was very messy and he still seemed to manage to look good
"Good morning" I said excitedly
"Good morning" he said sounding very tired
He sat down on the stool in front of me
"Still tired?" I teased playfully
he nodded and put his head down
I giggled and ruffled up his hair
"hey!" he shouted looking up at me
I laughed and threw some flour at him in his face
He stopped chuckling and looked at me annoyed and upset
Not much of a morning person?
He got up grabbing the pancake mix and pouring some on my head
I shrieked
He laughed
"Now were even"
"Oh no I don't get 'even'"
I said with air quotes
"I play to win"
He smirked devilishly
"Oh really"
I quickly grabbed the syrup that layed on the counter and poured some on his head
He gasped
"Oh your gonna get it Alexandra!" He shouted
But I ran away "try and find me!" I laughed
I ran down into the living room around the couch and hid behind a wall in the dining room
"Come out come out wherever you are baby" Justin sneered
I rolled my eyes
I heard light footsteps up the stairs
Ha he thinks I'm up there
I chuckled
But suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around me and a cold liquid fall ontop of my head
I screamed
Justin was dying of laughter and I pushed him
"I hate you!" I shouted laughing
He poured milk on me!
"No you don't baby" he said leaning in for a kiss but I stomped away
"Oh no no no no kisses for you after that!"
"Aww!" he whined making a pouty face
That made me about to give in but I walked away smiling confidently
"I'm taking a shower" I said
"Hey what about me I have flour on me and I'm sticky!"
I chuckled
"Too bad you can wait" I headed up the stairs
"I only have boxers on!" he shouted up at me
I giggled closing and locking the bathroom door behind me just in case he gets any ideas
I stripped down out of my clothes and throwing them in the hamper
I put the shower to a warm temperature and got in
I let my hair out and wet my hair I rinsed the door out as the water trickled down my body
I took out my cotton candy Smelling shampoo
I love it
I lathered it in my hair and scrubbed my scalp it felt relaxing i rinsed it out and put the same smelling conditioner in and brushed it washing it out and as I washed my body
I stepped out of the shower turning the water off
I wrapped the towel around myself letting my hair air dry I stepped out and walked into my room and being tackled by a bear hug
I screamed
"Justin! get out i need to get dressed and your dirty!" I shouted
"That's what you get. may I get my kiss now?"
"No" I said harshly
"Aww but I was going to take you out for dinner but I guess you don't want to.." he said sighing
My eyes widened
"like a date?!" I yelled excitedly
"Mmmhmm" he said confirming
"No I would love to this would be our first official date!"
He chuckled
"I'll take you out only if I get my kiss" he said smirking
I playfully rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek
"There happy?" I asked
"Very,now be ready by 7 and I'll pick you up" he winked at me and playfully smacked my bum through the towel
He chuckled
"Wait Justin where are we going?"
"Surprise babe" he winked again throwing on his clothes and headed downstairs and I heard the front door shut close
"He didn't even shower and get that sticky mess off of him" I mumbled
I read my clock
Okay perfect I have 3 hours
I went into my closet and looked through my clothes
If I knew where we were going this would be a whole lot easier
I sighed
I looked through at every inch of clothing I had until I saw one that caught my eye
It was a heart shaped at the top with two straps and it was tight and at the waist it proofed out and it was mid thigh length.
My eyes lit up with joy
It was a mix of light blue and purple (sorta like ombré) and it had a bow in the back of the waist
The dress had light sparkles on it I smiled
I took it out and slipped it on
I went into the bathroom and blow dried my hair
I kept doing the same process until it was pin straight
I brushed it out and smiled I looked perfect
I quickly brushed my teeth and put a stick of gum in my mouth
I went back to my room and I put on lipgloss and some jewelry
I checked the clock.
I sighed
Only 2 more hours Alexandra stay calm

When I finally reached my house I opened my front door and quietly snuck in slowly shutting the door behind me
I walked towards the step and just as I was about to go up them a throat was cleared
Damn it
I turned and saw my short mother staring at me intimidatingly she looked very angry
"uh hey mom!" I said cheerfully
"Where were you?" she asked looking as if she was a bomb about to explode

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly
"Umm. I had to stay over a friends house.. for a project"
"Still hiding the truth from me Justin?"
Suddenly a flash of anger hit me
"Oh IM hiding a truth from you? what about you! The principal told me you didn't tell me something but yet you tell the principal but not me?"
She gasped
"Justin I was going to tell you but-"
"Save it. I can't believe you would call my father here because of my 'behavior'"
If I didn't tell you this it was when I went to go get the cleaning supplies from the principal when he told me I was angry but since Alex was there I didn't want her to worry
"Justin I wanted to tell you but I was so upset and worried about you I just couldn't find the right time to tell you"
I scoffed
"This is the perfect time"
"Look I love dad and everything he was the best, but he was abusive towards you and me! especially when it came to my 'behavior'" I growled out angrily.
"Justin please let me explain-
"No I'm done"
I angrily stomped up the stairs and slammed my room door shut
I sighed
Relax I'll deal with this later Justin right now you have to get ready for your date
I went into the bathroom and jumped into the shower quickly washing myself washing all of that sticky shit off
When I was done I got out wrapped the towel around my waist and fixed my hair up with the blow dryer
I walked out and went into my room taking out a tuxedo
I put it on and slipped on my black supras
I checked the clock
I put on my watch and fixed my tie
I took my phone out
"Yea max?"
"Aye justin! haven't talked to you in a while what's up?"
"Everything's good thanks, aye listen I'm going to need a limo, you got one?"
"Yea anything for you man I'll send the driver down to your place"
"Alright thanks man"
"Alright bye"
I hung up and grabbed my house keys and my wallet heading downstairs
I was about to open the front door when my mother called after me
"Justin where are you going"
"Out." I said quite annoyed by her
Don't get me wrong I love my mother and all but to go to my father to talk about my behavior?? Especially when he was abusive towards me and her!
I opened the door before she could say anything else and stepped out as I saw the limo pull up my house
I quickly got in closing the door
The Sofer turned and looked at me
"Where to Mr.Bieber"
"Uhm the nearest flower shop please"
"Alrighty here we go"
He took off I couldn't help but shake my leg nervously
This is my FIRST official date with Alexandra
I want it to be special
I shook my leg with excitement
When he finally pulled up I got out telling him to park here and wait
I quickly jogged in
I checked my watch as it read 6:45
I sighed and walked up to the counter
"May I help you?" a perky blonde asked
"Uhm yeah get me some of your biggest brightest and bestest bouquet of roses"
She giggled
"Okay biggest,brightest,bestest bouquet of roses coming up"
I looked down blushing
She came back with the darkest but the freshest roses I've ever seen
"Is this ok?"
She asked shyly
I grabbed them hugging them with my arms as the pink and light sparkly green ribbon cascaded down the plastic wrapping
"$8.00 please"
I quickly paid her and ran out the flower shop
I got in the limo
"Step on it"
I told the driver telling him Alexandra's address
"Right on it"
When we finally arrived I got out holding the roses in my arms nervously
"Be right back"
I walked up her front door steps as nervously knocked on her front door but then rang the doorbell after just in case
I sighed heavily
"Here we go" I breathed

~* OMG GUYS ILY. 😂😂 u guys r so cute I tell u that I'm upset I got no votes so u guys vote for the authors notes instead of the chapters more 😂😂😂. U guys are SECUTE! 😂😂 lol ily guys u guys are the best and I hope u liked this chapter it was the longest(I think) out of all chappies but umm... Love u guys ALOT. 😁 I hope u guys enjoyed it and umm.. The usual
P.S do you guys want to comment where their date should be or should I surprise you guys
Comment and vote!
💕🌸💋MUAH!💋💕 💕

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