Chapter 15: Love is Confusing

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I woke up to my teacher slamming a ruler on my desk

I instantly,shot up

Shit it was third period i needed to be in a different class!

"Justin how was your nap?"

I looked down

"Thats what i thought, go to your third period class your off with a warning"

I nodded looking around a bunch of girls were drooling and staring at me

i got up walking away

Bit before i left i smiled

"Bye girls"

"Bye Justin!!"

I laughed some of them were hot so i winked at some of them

Is alex still in the principals office?

I checked

Yupp wow

She signaled me to leave

So i waited outside

I hated mathematix anyways


God ive been here for two periods!

"Ms. Scotts you have been misbehaving so far this week it is un exceptable!"

I rolled my eyes

"You will have to have afterschool detention starting today untill Friday"

I shot up

"No im on the cheer squad! Im the flyer please!"

He sighed heavy

"Im sorry but-

"No look maybe until thursday okay please!!"

He looked at me

"Fine but bring Justin too because i dont wnt him to come late"

I looked confused

"Uh okay..."

I got up and walked out seeing Justin

I rolled my eyes and walked the other way

"Hey dont ignore me!"

"Can i have my car keys"

He held them up

i jumped for them but couldnt reach he kept moving his hand

"Justin! Come on!"

"Not until you tell me what happened in there"

I sighed

"I have detention all week except Friday since im on the cheer squad-

"Wait your on yhe cheer squad?!"

"Yea jennete asked me to be a flyer so i said yea... Is there a problem?"

"No but i didnt think a girl like you could get on it"

Ouch.. I looked down

"Anyways what were you saying?"

"aftet school detention until thursday and he told me to bring you ... I guess you also hav it too since your on the team"

He looked up

"Uh yea"

"So can i,have my car keys now?!"


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