Chapter 28: Players Love

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"We'll on the paper it says you have to...."
He flipped in some pages in a folder
"You have to get a job to pay off all the money for the vandalism and that job is..."
He flipped some more
I sighed heavily
Combing my hair with my hands
I have to get a fucking job!??!!
"Working at Joey's Pizzeria."
My eyes widened
That's a job losers get for extra money!
I'll b dead if I'm caught there!
"What the hell?! no way!"
"Then 5 months of Juvenile Prison"
I sighed as he raised an eyebrow at me
"Fine I'll do it"
He smiled
"Good, all up have to do is full out this paperwork for the job and I'll make a stamp saying community service"
I rolled my eyes as he handed me the pen and paperwork through the cell
"Wait so am I getting paid?"
He laughed
"Community service son, it's volunteer work."
That makes no god damn sense I sighed heavily as I filled out the paper work
Not getting paid and working at a loser job?
Nice one Justin.

As I finished the paper work my mom came she filled out a form
And I got out
As we got in the car she drove alittle angry
I bit my lip
"Mom look I-"
"No Justin that's it this is the last time your getting into trouble like this next time I'm calling your father"
My eyes widened
My dad he always used to get like real angry when I got into trouble I miss my dad and all but kinda happy he's not here to like punish me or ground me because he always found the worst ways to do it
"Mom no you can't-"
"No justin that's it not another word"
I sighed heavily great just great
But I can stay outta trouble for 3 months right I mean I'm on probation and I have a parol officer but I can stay outa trouble


I nervously bit my nails as I waited for Justin inside his house
When I told his mother what had happened she told me to stay over and we would deal with this is the morning I bit my lip
I was afraid ...
Memories hit me from yesterday
How he called me beautiful and laughed with Ryan and Chaz
It may or may not be true
Suddenly the door opener and I felt myself tense up
Ready. For whatever was about to happen to me

I angrily opened the door to the house as my mom walked in behind me
My eyes widened as I saw Alexandra sitting on my couch
I locked my eyes on my mom
"What the fuck is she Doing here!?"
"I told her she could stay and don't raise your voice at me!"
I rolled my eyes and grunted I glared at Alexandra and stomped up to my room slamming and locking my room door
This sucks


I jumped as I heard Justin's door slam
I looked at pattie she rolled her eyes
"He wasn't always like that you know"
I got up thinking yes yes he was since 1st grade well..... to me..
"Come help me cook"
We smiled and we walked off
she got out a pot and a bowl and started seasoning chicken as I helped clean the dishes
"I remember when he used to be so nice and happy and played little concerts for us"
She smiled
And I saw her get teary eyed as she put the chicken in the pot closing the lid
"It's ok he'll grow up.. hopefully"
She chuckled and put the chicken in the oven and started to make Mac n cheese I smiled
" Yea hopefully"


I was in my room as I saw my piano I bit my lip I walked over and started looking through the songs I wrote I smiled
Then I saw the latest one I did
I bit my lip and hit the keys of the melody I wrote after a few minutes I was half way through the song thinking and writing more notes and lyrics when suddenly I heard a knock on my door
"Who?" I yelled scrambling to put my songs away
"Uhm Alexandra"
Anger and happiness grew
Mixed emotions
Happy to see her
Angry that she snitched on me
I rolled my eyes sighing heavily
I tripped over my piano bench as I scrambled to the door
I sighed heavily okay stay cool justin
I slowly opened the door
I smiled as I saw her face


"Hey" he closed the door behind him
There was an awkward silence
I but my lip butterflies went flying in my stomach
"Look Justin I'm sorry that I-"
Suddenly Justin leaned in and kissed me
My eyes widened but i didn't want him to stop
I kissed back but slowly shoved him
"Justin no "

"Wait what, what do you mean no?"
"Justin why after all these years?
I bit my lip
"Alexandra look I'm sorry for all those years but I realized I didnt mean to push u away and treat u the way I did I wanna treat u better but let me pleas"
I lifted her chin to kiss her but she looked away
"Justin I can't I'm afraid your a player and that's all you'll ever be"
"I know but you just have to trust me, I just need somebody to love"

"I'm sorry justin but that can't be me" I started to walk away but he pulled me close
"Please just trust me"
I bit my lip
He came closer lifting my chin as tears strolled down my cheeks
He kissed me pationitely his tongue asked for an entrance and I let him through he softly bit my bottom lip
I almost moaned but I kept it inside of me I thought of how wrong this was he's my bully but he loves me? what if he's toying with me?
He went down to my neck kissing me so pationitely it was soft my hands combed through his hair as he held my neck he lifted me up and put my legs around his waist
I wanted him to do so much more....

*~ hia gifts sorry I've been working on this chapter alittle writers block but I finally did it and this isn't the rest and I hope u guys keep reading!

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