Chapter 16: Alexandras House

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"Alexandra over here!"

I look to see Jennette and the squad (including Katie)

I smile and walk over with my tray

"Ooh someone dressed SEXY today"

All the girls ooh and laugh i smile

I sit and we eat

"So how bout cheer practice today witg the whole squad we were thinking at your place?"

"Sure i have a big backyard"

They all smiled


I noticed her locket on her wrist i suddenly got sad

"Hey uh whered you get that?"

She lookd at her wrist

"Oh! I bought this Justin has the other half"

"Oh thats cute"

I gave her a fake weak smile

I saw a Justin and his crew laughing and talking when Justin saw me he stopped and just looked at me

I looked away

And he kept walking

i kept eating and talking

~End of Lunch~

I walked to throw my tray away when suddenly i got pulled into the boys bathroom


Ugh but i still have feelings...

"What Justin"

"Look we need to talk were going to your place after school to finish chemistry"

"What?!No i cant i have cheer practice at my place i only have two days untill the game!!"

I saw him get angry his eyes got dark

He grabbed my arm and squeezed it

I yelped "Justin ow stop please"

"What about me?! I have practice tomorrow!"

"Its called a weekend genius!!"

Oops wrong choice of words

He threw me against the wall

I felt tears stream down my face

"Its called a party! Friday after the game okay and by the way your going!"

He picked me back up and threw me again.

I cryed

"Fine! I will start practice at six"

"Perfect thats all you had to say"

He started walking away

I got up

"Whats...whats .. Your deal?!"

I screamed stuttering

It was weak

But it came out

He stopped and turned arpund

"My deal is your so fucking stubborn!"

"Oh yea what about you?!"

"What about me?!"

"One minute you tell me off the next minute you ask for help?! Sorry to tell you this justin but you have anger issues and get mad real easy!!"

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