Chapter 42: Be a Good Boy

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"Done" I sighed wiping sweat off of my forehead

"Finally" he sighed

"It's 10:00! That took us longer than I expected"

"We'll maybe if you didn't use spray paint we wouldn't be in this mess" I nagged

He scoffed a whatever and headed into the school to put the things away

I waited leaning on my car feeling the cool breeze come on my face

It get refreshing

I smiled

Suddenly Justin came behind me wrapping his hands around my waist and snuggling his face on my shoulder into my neck

I giggled

"Justin!" I laughed

"Yes baby?" he said sounding tired

"Come on get off I have to drive you home, it's late"

"Aww, why?" He whined

I giggled

"Because your mom probably doesn't want you home late because your in trouble?"

He groaned

"Come on can I stay over please Alexandra?" I felt him pout and I rolled my eyes playfully

"Fine but only for tonight"

"Yes!" he said sounding very excited

He turned me around putting his hands in my waist

I stared into his eyes

"But you have to behave" I said in a motherly tone

"And your sleeping on the couch" I said as I smirked at him

"Aww I can't sleep with you?" he whined

"Nope" I said teasingly getting into the car

He quickly jogged stepping into the car

He crossed his arms over his chest pretending to be mad

I giggled then smirked

He sighed

"Come on I promise I'll be good" he grinned

Knowing him he won't be

"Alright this is your first and last chance though"

"Ouch" he said putting his hand over his heart

"That hurt"

I laughed


He smiled laughing with me


When we finally pulled up to my house we got out and I locked the doors I unlocked my front door and we stepped In as Justin locked the door behind us

I yawned feeling drowsy

"Tired babe?"

I nodded rubbing my eyes child like

I lifted my arms up signaling for him to carry me

He chuckled lifting me up bridal style and walked us up the stairs

He kicked my room door open setting me down on my bed he slowly and gently took my Uggs off throwing them to the side

He put the blanket over me and I snuggled my face into the pillow

I heard Justin unzip his pants and I opened my eyes to sneak a peak but it was to dark

Dang it!

I heard him throw his clothes onto the floor as he slipped Into bed with me

He wrapped his arm around my waist gripping me tightly pulling me closer to his bare chest

(He had only boxers on... if you were confused lol)

"It would be a lot better if you had some clothing off too" he whispered on my back sending goosebumps down my spine

"What did I say about being good Justin?"

He groaned

"Fine" I chuckled tiredly

"Goodnight Alexandra"

"Goodnight Justin"

And I soon heard his heart beat slow down and soon enough he was sound asleep and my eyes drooped closed falling into a deep slumber

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