I Hate Bubblegum

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"Guess who got burgers?!" Barbra shouts from the living room couch, causing me to laugh at her antics. Although, Phil appears to be completely thrown off by the enthusiastic greeting.

"Awesome! I'm starving!" I don't hesitate to drop my bag after locking the door and drop down beside my roommate to partake in the fast food she brought. I grab a wrapped burger out of the paper bag on the coffee table and lean back to relax after I slip off my shoes. "You wouldn't believe the customer I had today."

"Who do I gotta beat up?" She asks with a full mouth, making me smile and shake my head. I then go on to explain my horrible day, while Phil wanders off to explore the place. I suppose he isn't interested in the conversation, since he was witness to what happened. The flat is pretty big, since there are three bedrooms.

One I use as a workspace, since I usually make my merchandise here. I'm always working, so I was glad to just sit there chatting with Barb while watching T.V. and eating. After having my fill, I get up to take a quick shower before heading to my workspace. There's nothing really fancy here; in fact, it's a big mess to an outsider, but I have a system. I want to be done with Bubblegum's order as soon as possible so that I don't have to look at her snooty face again.

Hopefully, she won't become a regular. I have a seat at my sewing table and pull out the fabrics I brought home with me from my bag, which I've brought in with me. At some point, Phil pokes his head in, and I send him a smile before ushering to the other chair in the room that Barbra usually sits on when she comes in to talk to me. He drags it over to be beside me, giving me enough space to get in the zone, and simply watches me work my magic. Hours pass, and he leaves, probably getting bored of this, since it isn't exactly thrilling work.

At nearly twelve o'clock at night, I start to yawn and decide to stop, leaving the dress partway finished. It's almost ready, though. I already have the base fabric made of red silk and managed to cover a portion of the skirt with black lace. There's still lots to do with it, but I'll worry about it tomorrow. It's late, and I need some sleep. I slip the unfinished product onto a mannequin body before turning off the light and going to my room.

Seems Barbra's already in hers. I yawn yet again as I close the door and saunter over to my bed before collapsing on it without bothering to turn on the lights. I nearly let out a scream upon landing on top of a body that jolts up, knocking me off the person without warning. I tumble to the floor with a yelp and hiss in pain when I hit my head on the wood. Phil groans and runs his fingers through his thick mass of hair as I stand up. Clearly, I've disturbed his sleep.

"Why are you on my bed?" I question, irritably.

"Well, I have to sleep somewhere," He retorts calmly before letting out a yawn, clearly not seeing the issue. I frown and point at the door.

"Sleep on the couch!" The man makes no effort to move as he tilts his head at me with a playful pout on his lips.

"Are you always this rude to your guests?" I can feel my face heating up in anger as I send the creature a light glare through the darkness.

"You know what? Fine! Sleep here! I don't care anymore!" Not giving a damn, I lift the covers and slip in beside the man, who moves over a bit to give me more room on the bed. I lie down with my back to him and a hard glare on my face. "It's been a long ass day, and I'd like it to end now, so goodnight, sir!" Huffing, I close my eyes and bring the blanket over my head so that the man wouldn't look at the embarrassed expression I made after realizing I just slid into bed with a dude I barely know. Yeah, I've known him for a few years, but it's not like I actually learned anything about him.

'Oh, well. My grave's already been dug. Just sleep it off and deal with it in the morning,' I tell myself while relaxing a bit and drifting off to sleep. As my mind carries me away, I hear Phil chuckling at the way I spoke to him, which brought more heat to my face.

'It's just for one night, Y/N. Just go to sleep.'

Phil's POV:

Deep laughter sounds from my throat as I stare down at the blanket-covered female. Seeing her so cross was actually quite adorable, though I know her frustration was justified. It has been a rather tough day for her. It's no wonder she falls asleep quickly. My sheep must be exhausted. I remove the gloves covering my hands and toss them onto the nightstand before making myself comfortable under the covers. After I'm settled, I remove the blanket from her head and turn her body towards me without waking her. My icy fingers then lightly trace the faint bruise that formed on Y/N's cheek as a thin line shapes my lips.

'Such a fragile thing,' I note while pressing my palm against her face to hide the handprint. She instinctively flinches away from the cold touch, but, thankfully, doesn't stir as I rub the mark with my thumb. I find it remarkable how relaxed she can be around me. After all, I'm sharing her bed, and I know she wouldn't do this with just anybody. Though, I suppose we do have an odd relationship with one another. Still, not many dare to even speak to me the way she does. I wonder if that'd change if she knew the truth about me? Hopefully, not. I'd hate that, though, I suppose it'd be understandable. I can be quite scary when I wish to be. I slip an arm around the woman's waist and hold her close before muttering,

"Goodnight, my pet." I plant a small kiss on her forehead before going back to gingerly massaging her injured cheek. I can't help but narrow my eyes at it. That dreadful, pink-haired child has a lot of nerve messing with her. She deserves a horrid death, and I'll see to it personally that she's "taken care of" in Hell, where I'm positive she'll be going with a soul that toxic. It reeks of rotted flesh, and I much rather prefer Y/N's, which is much sweeter in scent. I cease my caresses and adjust myself to press my forehead against hers before shutting my eyes to get some rest. Her warmth easily puts me to sleep, feeling nice in my cold arms.

'Don't let that girl bother you, my dear. You are one in a million, and she is among the thousands of tainted insects. Stay strong, my sheep.'

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