•{| A Happy Ending? |}•

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Yuui's POV

Frisk, Chara and I are currently trying to brainstorm on how to break the barrier. We figured out if we grab the souls that are in the special containers, we can grab them and use our souls as well as them to freak the barrier. We aren't 100% sure it'll work, but it's the best shot we got. We met up with Asgore and Chara and I had a bit of time with him, mostly me since I am closer to him. He agreed to our plan and we set off to the room with the souls. "Chara! Get Bravery and integrity! Frisk! Get Perseverance and Patience! I'm getting my soul and Justice!" I yell orders to them and we get the souls. After we get them we go up stairs and through the throne room till we were at the barrier. Once we got there we let the souls go, it was beautiful, they flew everywhere. We took our souls out of our bodies and let them go Infront of us. We let our souls leave us completely, we fell limb to the ground but our souls are what are keeping us alive. We go to the other souls before going to the barrier. If we all give some of our own soul so we can break the barrier, we can all live. A bright light came, I shut my eyes and when I opened them I saw I was in my body again. Thank god. I look around and see Frisk helping Chara up, "W-we did it?" I said, I looked at the barrier to see it broke. "Yeah! We did! All monsters are free now! Our souls are a bit cracked though..." Frisk said pulling out her soul a bit, it had a slight crack, same with Chara's. I pulled mine out, it was almost destroyed. "Heh, I've been through worse." I said before blacking out.

No One's POV

Yuui had not woken up yet. She had fainted from the lack of life still in her soul. Frisk and Chara took her to Sans and Paprus's since they knew Was would want to know first. Once they got there Sans took Yuui and started caring for her almost instantly. Right now she was laying on the couch. Her soul was slowly fixing it self, getting rid of crack after crack, break after break. She was slowly healing. How was she though. No one would think she had enough DETERMINATION to continue. But it wasn't DETERMINATION. It was her love for her family, Friends, monsters, Human, everyone. Even those who hurt her, she loved them because without them she wouldn't be who she is. She forgave Everyones wrong doing, Everyones sins. Everything. It's not because she was DETERMINED to, it's because she was kind enough to. Her kindness is what is mending her soul. She knows everyone loves her, she can't leave them a second time. Everyone of her friends were there now. Sans, Paprus, Alphys, Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Chara, even Flowey/Asriel. All of them watched her soul mend itself. Then they saw her soul completely heal, it glowed a bright green. Brighter and more powerful then any soul, not even a DETERMINED soul can match it now. It was more powerful than a normal human soul. After all, she had more love than anyone, Not LOVE. But actual love, the love you have for your friends, family. She had it for everyone and that's what made her soul strong. While it is a weakness to some people, it's her strength. She slowly opens her eyes to everyone staring to her soul Infront of her. She looked at it and found it was now a rainbow. She loved Everyone, so she could understand everyone. So she got their traits. Justice, Patience, Perseverance, Bravery, Integrity, DETERMINATION, Hate, Love and Kindness. It was all there. Bad and good, she did love them. Her eyes looked like a galaxy while looking at her soul, she sat up and brought it closer to her, "Everyones love and kindness, and so much more. It's in my soul?" She looked at her soul before hugging it, "It's beautiful." "it's because of the kindness you gave everyone, you also taught everyone kindness so it's comeing back to you. its saving you because you saved them." Sans Said. "I'll always have Everyone with me then, it's awesome."

Yuui's POV

I felt everyones love, I met them all in my dreams, everyone I've ever met. Even if it was just looking at them they all thanked me for the hope I put in the world. I listened to all their voices. All their hopes and dreams. I was there and listened to them all. I finally realised something, "The barrier. Let's go see the light together, alright? It's beautiful, I promise." Everyone agreed. We walked through the Underground sharing the news that the barrier was broken. We all made it to the broken barrier and walked through it. The Sun was setting, "I-it's more beautiful than I remember." Chara, Frisk and I all awed. The monsters looked in amazement, it was the first time seeing it for most. I set them all free, not just me but everyone. I'm glad, so glad. Everyone will be happy now, but, the other humans. I don't know how they are now but if they are anything like they were back then, they won't want the humans anywhere near them. "Hey, Frisk. How do humans act? I haven't seen another human for awhile, apart from you and Chara that is." I asked pulling her away from the others, "Umm, well. I'm probably not the best at his whole, Friends thing with them. They can be a bit mean but some of them are nice, so it's a bit like monsters, I guess?" "Thanks Frisk, that was helpful. Chara, You and I can all be a help for the monsters. If we prove they aren't dangerous then we may be able to help the monsters stay on the surface!" "Great idea!" Frisk said while jumping, she got Everyone's attention.... "Don't worry guys! Frisk was just over excited!" I yell over to them, they nod and leave. They went back into the underground, there has been so many of my memories made there. I love it, even if the monsters were trapped, I loved them and I know they love me too. They are a family, all of them, sharing the same emotions, moments. It's all there, they all love each other and help them, so that's what I call a family, My family. I've learnt a lot from my years being alive, before coming back to life like this. Kindness can actually get you everywhere, you can be left with scars because of it though. I have a lot but it doesn't stop me. I have too much, I have to give it out. I watch the sun slowly die. It's dieing for the moon, so that the moon can breathe. The moon also dies for the sun, a love that is forbidden by the world. It's beautiful once you think about it, dieing every Night/Day to make sure the other one can breathe. (I love that quote.) I sit at the edge of the cliff that we were on. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I flinch but find it was just Sans. "Hey... Sans?" "yeah?" "I-I'm sorry for killing Paps, everyone. It was wrong, I didn't want to do it even, I just needed to help Chara, it's my fault you went through that pain. I do love you though, more than anything." "i know, i also forgive you, how can i not? i love you too." I kiss his cheekbone and leaned on him, "I missed this." "me too." We sat there, looking at the darkness. It was beautiful.

I'M SORRY FOR THE WAIT! My tablet got taken away. Sorry for not updating, and for the small chapter. Sorry! Anyway I should go to sleep before I get anymore sleepy and drop my tablet on my face, see you guys later.

Kindness 《Undertale》[Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang