•{| Adventures |}•

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This is a great song! I found it last night!

Yuui's POV

I woke up to Chara sleeping right next to me, I'm in her's Asriel room. I sat up and carefully made my way off the bed without waking Chara up.

I walked out of the house, after passing a tree with beautiful green leafs I bumped into a frog like thing.

It must be a monster

Make it move-out of our way

No! That's beyond terrible to do to someone!

Yeah, whatever

I entered a white box, there was a little green heart and I had buttons saying


Looking at the green heart, an weird thing came towards it, not wanting to be rude, I stood still. Once the green heart got touched, it hurt.

It must be my SOUL, my soul.... It's kindness? I wouldn't think so. I pressed [MERCY] the frog looked confused, it attacked me again, I once again pressed [MERCY]. It looked at me a spared me, I continued on my walk, I didn't even know where I was going.

I once again bumped into another monster, this one kinda looked like a moth or maybe a fly? It attacked me, I stood still and got hit one so they felt good, I wanted them to at least feel like they got a chance.

I hit [ACT], I checked their attack and defence. They once again hit me, I hit [MERCY] once again. I spared them, I was once again walking toward the place I came from the first time.

Once I finally got there I saw how beautiful the flowers actually were. It was a beautiful shade of yellow, it was the prettiest sight I had ever seen.

I walked over to them and sat down, they were so soft, I soon felt sleepy, I slowly fell into a peaceful dream like state.

I woke up to a bright shine in my face, it must be morning above the underground. At least that's what I call it.

I got up, once again looking at the golden flowers around me, I picked up one and hugged it, it reminded me of the flowers we had on the surface. I picked up some more flowers and started making flower crowns. One for Toriel, One for Asriel and one for Chara. Once I was finished I went back to the house, by this time Chara and Asriel were up. I walked over to them holding the crowns behind my back before asking to turn around, "Umm, im not sure about that... You never ask me to do anything really." Chara said unsure. "Aww, please trust me. You don't have to do it if you don't want to though." "I'll do it since you've never asked me to do anything really before." Chara said as she turned around and closed her eyes, same with Asriel. I got two of the flower crowns and put them on their heads. Once they felt something on their heads they went to the mirror and looked at their heads, "I tried to make them perfect but I did mess up a bit..." I said looking at them. Asriel came up to me and hugged me, "It's great! Thank you, Yuui!" He said, Chara not so long after, did the same thing, she hugged me. I never felt more loved than at that moment. Toriel than came into the dining room to find us hugging, once Chara and Asriel let go, I went over to her. "Close your eyes please." I stated, "Ok, my child." She said before closing her eyes, grabbing my last flower crown I put it on her head. Once she opened her eyes she saw some flowers on her head because I put it on crooked, she said smiled at her flower crown, "It's beautiful, Thank you, Yuui. It's gold." "Hahah, it sure is." I said laughing a bit. At that moment there was a knock on the door. "Who's is that?" Chara asked, I was confused too. "It's Dad!" Asriel said as he ran to open the front door, A quite big goat Monster came through the door, He looked a lot like Asriel and Toriel. Once he stopped hugging Asriel the goat looked towards us, "Humans?" He asked confused, "Uhh, Yes sir. We fell down here and from what I hear, we won't be able to get out. Sorry for the inconvenience." I said doing a small bowl towards him, "Hahah, it's quite alright. Your no inconvenience at all." He said smiling at me, "Thanks for your kind words, my name is Yuui. This is Chara." I said holding my hand out towards Chara, "Nice to meet you Yuui and Chara, your the first humans to fall since they blocked us in here. I'm Asgore." He said shaking my hand. "Yuui I think your too trusting with everyone." Chara said out of the blue, "What is there not to trust in peo- oops, anyone?" I asked innocently. "Your too innocent for this world." Chara said sighing, "Innocent?" Asriel and I asked. "Nevermind..." Cara said before heading towards the kitchen, I stopped her. "Hey, Chara. I got something for you from the surface, I haven't had the chance until now to give it to you. I'll have to go get it though. You an come with me to get it off you want." I offered, "Ok." Chara said, I stared heading to the room Chara and I were sharing with Asriel, My backpack was in there. Once inside I grab my backpack, "Chocolate!" I almost yelled as I pulled it out of my backpack. Chara's eyes stared sparkling, she quickly grabbed the chocolate out off my hands ad started eating it. "Heheheh, is it good?" I asked, "DELICIOUS!" She yelled, I just laughed at her. Once she had a lot of chocolate while somehow having some left over, we made our way to he dining room, it had Cinnamon and Butterscotch pie on the table. We sat down as we all began to east together, as a family.

Ok! Another chapter! I was in a writing and Undertale mood today so I thought, Why not? So here you guys go!

Word count :1041

Kindness 《Undertale》[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now