Get Her Back (Sequel)

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Jinwoo wanted to scream, but he couldn't. All he could do was look down to a brown stuffed bear keychain that she gave him for his birthday.

"So, what's your wish?"
"M-my wish is . . .

. . . for us to become a one, big, happy family."

Like I said, I've already written the first parts right after I finished Illegal Love and it's going to be realistic, well at least to me. There'll be more foul words but I hope you readers out there are very open-minded and I also hope that even after three months of waiting for this sequel, at least just one of you is still excited to read.

And I am very sorry to say this but . . . WATCH OUT FOR SLOW UPDATES!!

Gamsahamnida! ❤️

- astrorific

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