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"What did she do now?"
"She almost poisoned a teacher's cat with the chemicals in the lab."

Jinwoo pursed his lips into a thin line, nodding slowly to the guidance counselor's statement. He watched the old man write something on a piece of paper; it would be the third time he'll get another excuse slip and keep it inside his diary for his sister.

As the counselor moved his hand over the notepad, Jinwoo stared at the nothingness that brought him into a trance. He thought about the fate of his sister, will she be put in detention for the third time this week? Will she be punished and clean the whole campus? He worried about her, since the university was as big as a mall, an airport, even. Lastly, he bit his lip, will she be expelled?

It was heartbreaking, indeed, to think that a nice girl who became a rebellious teenager could get the worse punishment in the college. He had always thought that this girl would become a famous poet, or an author who will dominate the world of story writing and fairytales. But in a quick second, it all came crashing down; the dream he had imagined for her just vanished and if possible, could never come back again.

And it was all because him.

How ironic is that?

The old man finished his writing and gave him the piece of paper that he just crumpled in his trembling hand. He muttered a goodbye but before he could even leave the horrible scent of an overused lemon freshener, his ears twitched as the old man said:

"Always be there for your sister, she needs you."

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