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•{|Time Skip To You in Toriel's Basement With Her|}•

*Toriel Blocked the way.

"I'm sorry Momster, I do love you...." I heard Frisk Wisper, it hurt me so much more. The lady who helped raise me, is going to die because of me. Frisk grabbed her toy knife I gave her, and hit Toriel with it. "Do you really hate me that much.... I now see who I was saving by keeping you here, not you.... I was protecting them.... Ha..... Ha...." Toriel's last words. They killed me inside. Frisk and I kept going, guilt washing over us. We kept going. I don't know why, or how. We walked into the cold, we were now on our way to snowdin. We made it to the bridge Paps made, of course I was there when it was built. I smile at the memory, before we get to cross it though. "hey, don't you know how to treat a new budy? turn around and shake my hand" Wait, I knew that voice. Frisk and I turn around, it was him. The only person I've loved, Sansy..... Frisk held out her hand and took Sans one. PFFFFF, Omg, he's still doing that one. I laugh at bit at this, Frisk just giggles. "Same old Sansy." I wisper, "What do you mean?" I heard Frisk Wisper to me, "Nothing!" I yell, I then hide behind Sans to get away from Frisk. "huh? what was that?" Sans asked, Crap. I hadn't touched him but yelling would be the problem, "If I told you it was a ghost, would you Beelieve me?" Frisk Said I laughed a bit. Untill I remembered I was right next to sans. "Uhh, i guess i would beelieve you, since i keep hearing things." He said, "Then, there is a ghost of a human helping me get through the Underground." "heh, what their name?" Sans asked, "Hell no! No telling!" I almost yell, I was now standing  next to Frisk. "huh, why? It would lighten my day." He still couldn't see me. I knew that since he is staring right through me right now. "You goat to be kidding me, you don't even know her name yet. Don't worry about mine." After I said that, all of us started laughing at my bad goat puns + a mining one. "you have a lot of backbone to challenge the pun master." "Of Course I do, I'm eggcellent at puns." I stated proudly. "Anyway! The human you can actually see, is Frisk. Of course you can just call me human or something, whatever really." I stated before Sans and I start a pun war, those can last for hours, then to days and so on. Untill one stops, useraly me because I'm bored of puns. "kid it is then." Sans said chuckling. "I am not a kid! I'm over 100 years old! Wow that makes me feel old.... Well I've been dead for awhile anyway." "100 years, you would've been here during the war." "Heh heh, ahh, yeah....." I ask, trying to not give anything away. "anyway, I'm sans, sans the skeleton. I was ment to be on watch for humans but I don't really care about stuff like that. now my brother, he is a human hunting fanatic. He is as harmless as a fly though. he should be here soon, oh I see him in the distance, quickly hide behind the conveniently shaped lamp." Sans said, I didn't need to since no one but Flower and Frisk can see me. Oh... I almost forgot about killing Toriel, now the guilts back... So are the sins. Paps wont see Frisk if Sans points it out so we are covered, Paps will just get annoyed at sans being lazy. Oh well, he useral.... We'll have to kill them. Tear started forming in my eyes, thinking about it more caused them to spill. I start crying at the though of doing that to my breath Friend and my old boy friend. I can't kill them, Frisk, I'm sorry but I'll have to let you do that yourself. I'm too weak to, too weak to kill, to save. Paps left and Frisk came out from behind the lamp, "He left..." I said starring at the detection he left in. "What's that?" I heard Frisk ask, "Nothing!" I quickly day before hinding behind sans, "Sans, Protect me from that human! She is trying to find out my secrets!" I said pointing at Frisk, Sans couldn't see me but in Sure he could feel my hand on his shoulder, but he couldn't see me pointing. "what's touching me?" Sans said, I could tell if he didn't get an answer then he would most likely kill something, "Oh! Sorry! That's me! I didn't mean to scare you." I said before taking my hand off his shoulder, "Just don't let That human here, she'll try and get my secrets out of me!!" I squeak. "But we should know more about you!" Frisk complained, "Nuh-uh! It's my secrets! Not yours, I'm ment to be a ghost, is R.i.p not a thing for me?" "Haha, nope!" Frisk said before running towards me, I got out from behind Frisk and started flying away, well more like around it circles. "I *pant* got you!" Frisk said, "Well, you were DETERMINED all right. Hahaha." I said, I was trapped in Frisk's arms. "Sans! We better get going! Bye!" I yelled, sans waved as Frisk and I head off.

Kindness 《Undertale》[Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن