Royaltui in Mel, a Dagr >> Legolas Greenleaf X Princess!Elf!Reader

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"You're an elf," the Dwarf eyed your ears, and scratched at his beard, wary.

"Yes, I am." You reply, "My name is __________," you introduce.

"You're a woman," the Man commented, near incredulous.

"She's the Princess of Lothlórien," the elvish prince stated, "Forgive us-,"

You shake your head, water droplets flying from your face. "Enough with all the titles. Yes, I'm the princess, and yes, that makes me female, but we all know you saved me because of my rations. I brought plenty to share." You eye the elf, and nodding, add, "I have followed the fellowship for quite some time, keeping an eye for all of your safety."

The dwarfish man grunted. "Didn't do a very good job, now, did you?"

You nod. "I admit, yes, I failed today. But it does not mean I shall fail every day, or perhaps, tomorrow. I, __________, pledge to aid you all in the quest to destroy the ring and bring balance and peace to Middle Earth."

The Man made a noise, perhaps a good one, since his lips were turned up. "That is pleasant to hear. I am Aragorn -,"

The elf blinked, "Son of Arathorn, called Elessar the Elfstone, Dunadan. He is the heir of Isildur Elendil's son, of Gondor," he announced. Beside him, Aragorn looked a little miffed that the glory of saying his name was taken, and sat silent.

The Dwarf adjusted his axe, "I'm Gimli."

You frowned, "Son of Glóin? I heard of fantastic things that the company of Thorin did, on the Lonely Mountain," you beam. "My mother advised much of what Gandalf the Grey was to do. A pity I was too young," You glance to the elf, and add, "But you were there, weren't you, princeling?"

The blonde elf turned his face to the oars, nodding. There were words upon his tongue, but at that moment, they did not come forth. Choosing not to pursue the topic, you turned to silence, and began sorting out rations to share with your present company.

You cut down many Wargs that day. Your words shared the day you met the trio in the boat, when you had admitted flaws; the oath had come true again. While you had cut down many Orcs, you had not cut down enough, as when you turned to Aragorn, as the battle was ending, he was nowhere to be seen. Believed dead, and your honour once again besmirched, you did all you could for the humans (and Legolas Gimli), you rode with.

You stayed behind to ride alongside with them, silently mourning the Man whose life had been lost. You had lived for many a century, and most of them, in ignorance of the beauty of life, and the importance of living for the day. But these days, while on the ride toward the ever-looming battle that would end the misery and treachery upon Middle Earth, you found yourself learning to love each day. Every sunset. Every glance shared -

Though yes, you had been sharing a tent to sleep, and many a horse when horses were sparse, you were not infatuated with the elf. Perhaps intrigued. Interested romantically? No. You thought him a good soldier, a fantastic shot, a handsome face - you closed your eyes, face burning with the evidence of your thoughts, and kept them to yourself for the ride to Helm's Deep.

But with no food, and little sleep, you found yourself suiting up once more in your armour, and not alone. Legolas stood in the corner, counting his arrows, fixing the flint upon the shaft. His light eyes lifted from his work to you as you entered, a little smile falling upon his soft lips too.

"The world of Men and Orc need to know the importance of sleep," you tell him with a sigh, strapping your arm guards on. "We Elves would never fight when it didn't suit us. At least, I wouldn't."

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