Chapter Seven: Smiles

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I've been really down lately. A friend of mine (who I don't talk to very often), noticed that I hadn't been talking lately. That I had been quiet and reserved. He went out of his way to talk to me, ask me how I was doing, if I was okay. Why the girl who always smiles wasn't smiling. It made me think of one of my favorite messages in the Bible: Love thy neighbor.

Now, our world is scary. Our world is sometimes mean, cruel, judgmental, and all around against us. But, that doesn't mean we have to be negative as well. Last year, there was a really mean kid at my school, a year older than me. Now, he pushed into the lockers a couple times. He never bullied me, but he was rude. What did I do? Snark at him? No. Push him into the lockers? No. I smiled at him. I'd smile. I smile as much as I can, I try to make the people around me happy, because if they're happy, they'll make the people around them happy. Like a domino effect. I know I'll never make a noticeable difference by smiling. But maybe I could help someone else out.

So, when the Bible says love thy neighbor, and maybe you don't want to be nice to the kids who've wronged you, but maybe you can smile. They've probably got issues just like you. And a smile can go a long way.

I love y'all so much, and I hope you have a blessed week. ❤️🙏🏻

Also, to my friends 'round the world: stay safe. The world is a bit scary right now.

**Don't worry 'bout me. I'm doing a lot better now, so the girl who smiles is smiling again**

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